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tv   Interviews Culture Art Documentaries and Sports  RT  March 4, 2014 7:00pm-10:01pm EST

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doesn't the us. suspect. notably told you if you did you know the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy correct all those. that are you know i'm sorry and on this show we reveal the picture of what's actually going to go into the world if we go beyond identifying the truth rational debate and real discussion critical issues facing america ready to join the movement then welcome to the big. nate suite in washington d.c. and for tom hartman here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture all most
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news outlets were busy covering the situation in ukraine today president obama releases do twenty fifteen fiscal year budget what are the highlights of this plan and is it enough to put the age of austerity behind us for good also george zimmerman's lawyer is calling on lawmakers to make changes to florida's stand your ground should first law but isn't it time to take stand your ground shoot first laws off the books entirely and restore some sanity to our judicial system that more and tonight's big picture politics panel and big oil is the only industry in the world that doesn't have to pay to clean up its own waste but what if we made big oil pay to pollute our skies and destroy our environment could a carbon tax be the answer to our environmental and economic problems.
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you need to know this we're not out of the age of us therapy just yet earlier this morning president. bamma unveiled his fiscal year two thousand and fifteen budget proposal during a speech at an elementary school in washington d.c. that budget he said as a concrete plan to strengthen the middle class and at the same time shore up america's finances budget i sent congress this morning lays out how will implement this agenda in a balanced and responsible way it's a road map for creating jobs with good wages and expanding opportunity for all americans at a time when our deficits been cut in half it allows us to meet our obligations to future generations without leaving them a mountain of debt. we've heard a lot of that kind of rhetoric from the president over the past few years but this time things appear to be different the president finally seems to be abandoning his endless search for a so-called grand bargain with congressional republicans his twenty fifteen budget would actually add fifty five billion dollars of spending on top of the marie ryan
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budget plan he signed back in december and unlike last year's budget it would not cut social security instead the president's budget would expand the earned income tax credit seventy six billion dollars into funny preschool programs and really six hundred fifty one billion dollars in new tax revenue from wealthy americans would also close the kind of tax loopholes that let giant corporations like boeing get away with pay nothing in taxes and then spend the savings from those taxes closing tax loopholes to build roads and bridges the president's budget plan isn't exactly the new deal and there's close to no chance that congress will pass it but it's definitely better than the alternative a total cave to republican austerity hawks democrats running in tight midterm elections now have something however modest it is to campaign on and they won't have to explain to their voters why a democratic president is trying to cut social security at the same time though president obama's budget doesn't appear to go far enough to turn the page on
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austerity in fact a budget fact released by the white house actually celebrates how much the administration has done to cut the deficit pointing out that under president obama's leadership deficit has been cut in half as a share of the economy the largest four year deficit reduction since the demobilization from world war two and while for all president obama's budget doesn't call for a grand bargain that same fact sheet says that compromise proposals aka social security cuts remain on the table if republicans ever learn to cooperate it's good to see that president obama has the common sense not to cut social security during an election year but if you really wants to leave the steroids era behind us in. stop talking about deficits and start talking about what the government can do right now to rebuild the middle class. all right with me for tonight's big picture politics panel our staff writer for in
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these times and carl fresh democratic strategist and partner at both great stretch bullfight strategies carl cole welcome so much so guys and i just you know up high in the sky liberal for thinking that the president could do a little bit more this fiscal fiscal year two thousand and fifteen budget i mean he's now well almost halfway into his second term don't you think he could put a little stronger proposal out there during the midterm election year this is a big shift for him i think and also we need to remember that there's a big difference between budget proposed and budget acted i think this is a lot better than what democrats had to run on in two thousand and ten and it's something that's certainly worth considering i think we need to be cautious in our assumptions that this could ever become law the republican congress people are not going to allow this to even hear you know see the time of day but it's certainly a lot stronger position for democrats to be running on that we had twenty two and i mean you know i think if you mention that this you know this pledge is not going to
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become law then if it's not actually going become law and knowing the dynamics of congress i think really it's an opportunity to push for a much more ambitious agenda you know you mentioned it's not like the new deal i think it's tough an understatement you know even members of president obama's own party are pushing for an expansion of social security right now you know that's something that's on the that's on the agenda right now elizabeth warren is talking about it tom harkin's talking about it. so the president actually go a lot further it's not just about what you know wins elections it's about having an opportunity to really push the you know the dynamic of the conversation obviously when obama's not necessarily you know yes the democrats politically what wins elections is going to decide who gets to write the budget yeah but i mean i think a lot of these you know. generally populist proposals are something that democrats have run on in the past and i found a lot of success on you know i think just think it's strange that the president wouldn't want to use his executive position to act as more of a bully pulpit type of way i think of the big stuff and debate outside of in these times in the big picture is the mainstream media ok and they are addicted to
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thinking that you cannot be considered serious unless you talk about deficit reduction and fixing social security or even fixing medicare i'm not saying these are good things i'm simply saying this is reality outside of the environs of the good liberal media is the mainstream media hooked on these ideas they're not true they're not real but they're hooked on it the president can only do one thing with his budget he can you can put a marker in the ground and say this is what we should be doing he cannot change the way the media covers this stuff overnight i mean it was that i mean i think that's partially his responsibility as you know he shouldn't be defined by how the media portrays him this is right in the right direction narrative this is a step in the right direction all doesn't include a lot of deficit reduction and and it doesn't include cuts to social security there are dinner parties all over washington d.c. happening right now that as we speak saying that president obama is off his rockers he's crazy how could he not want to cut social security how could he not be talking about the deficit so i mean i just was a conversation would be about you know how do we appease the mainstream political
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conversation in washington d.c. how do we appease the mainstream media even you look at the kind of economic populist proposals that are on the table right now from progressive members of congress those are that's a majority you know taxing wall street more financial transactions tax i agree but it's not about expanding increasing corporate tax rate increasing income tax or yeah i mean i think there are a bunch of general you know democratic strategy issues that need to be worked out but it definitely is as carl said it's nice to see that the president at least on a very basic level is not acting like a deficit hawk anymore so moving on missouri governor jay nixon or the letter to secretary of state john kerry this morning urging him to approve the keystone x.l. pipeline he said the approval and construction of the keystone x.l. pipeline will. strengthen our our our economy create jobs and promote north american energy independence he nixon's indorsement of the keystone project comes just days after hundreds of anti plant processors were arrested. the white house ok karl so the obama it made them ministration is really facing two fronts within its
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own party on this issue of the environmental people you know the people that were arrested outside the white house and then you have red state democrats people like mary landrieu and then governor jay nixon that are urging the president to the poor and hungry for the juice of jobs right judy think you can really think he's actually paying attention i hope i mean to take attention to the environmental community which is you know the human race. it here's why ok i get to see my my grandmother who is now a great grandmother later on this month for watch. i fear that if we have personally like she start excel that i will never be able to have lunch with my great grandchildren. and that's something that we should be taking into consideration we should not be approving these kinds of projects when you've got the best of the scientific community saying that they couldn't fact be the point of no return you know we need to take these things seriously you've got a conservative movement in this country that is trying to hamper the e.p.a.'s ability to use the the the the the clean air
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act to regulate greenhouse gases that cause and worst of climate change we should be doing things that are going to make it even more difficult for the e.p.a. to do its job and leave an even bigger mess for them to clean up and call you know this is an issue necessarily where it's just a divide between red state dems and the environmental movement there's also a divide between the environmental movement and the labor movement you've talked a lot about that in your reporting and in these times how real is that divide and could it actually threaten the democratic party's future coming the next coming years you know i don't know about the future of a democratic party. conversation that the people in labor movement are really you know there's a big divide here and basically of the labor movement we shouldn't say just the labor movement in general support some keystone x.l. pipeline you have the building trades federation department within the a.f.l.-cio the support of this pipeline you know they have their convention coming up next week in washington they'll be talking about export terminals for liquid natural gas
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so you have a wing of the labor movement that is that is very much advocating that agenda. and you know that's a big divide labor movement in real quick carl do you think if the president president obama does approve the keystone pipeline it will in any way impact democrats' ability to get out the vote in midterm elections maybe on college campuses i don't think enough has been done to make this a big issue frankly. you know it's already hard enough to break that mainstream media filter to reach people who are not like the three of us reading the paper every day reading the blogs every day reading you know watching cable news most americans see cable news in the bar or in the airport or when they're changing channels in you know hopefully this issue becomes a much larger issue a focus but in tell the i don't think it changes an election one way or the other it might make it more difficult in college towns to get out the vote but i can't see it doing that in much of anywhere else except for the communities that are impacted directly by the pipeline yeah and i think that's what's so frustrating
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about you know the possibility that the president may approve it is because this is such a symbolic and well you know talked about issue there's a really big chance here for him to turn climate change into a populist issue into an issue that every american can understand and talk about in regards to soundbites and if he doesn't end up approving the pipeline i think he's really lost a chance and that's where the labor thing comes i mean labor in the environmental community were at each other's throats over autumn emissions and when they started making hybrid vehicles more jobs for labor more jobs like that and if you know we're building wind turbines and solar farms more jobs for labor exactly guys we gotta go for now but when. be right back more of tonight's big picture politics panel right after the break.
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i got a quote for you. it's pretty tough. stay with substory lead let's get this guy like you would smear that guy stead of working for the people who most issues the mainstream media are working for each other bribery must be sure to. come home as. they did rather let alone. if it was a. very hard to take. once again to come on here to play live happy ever had sex with that hurt rick perry place.
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if it was. safe. if the people.
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welcome back with me for tonight's big picture politics panel our call stanger and karl frisch guys let's get back to it all right so robert duncan reported to mendota federal correctional institution on monday where we where he will serve a two year sentence for doing something that is totally legal in the state of california selling medical marijuana duncan was working at a stockton california dispensary when it was raided by federal agents in two thousand and eleven here's the message he gave to president obama via huff post live just moments before he surrendered to the authorities. you know it's a lot bigger than me and there's a lot more people who are affected by this so obviously it's not too to late. to do something different isn't to take bigger steps in the direction that the. united
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states wants us to go you know if you look at the polls a majority of people are for legalization or decriminalization spite publicly saying that he thinks pot is no worse than now call president obama has overseen an average of thirty six medical marijuana prosecutions a year during his time in office all right guys so is there a better advertisement for the legal marijuana legalization of marijuana than robert duncan this guy was you know unemployed he needed a job it was a fifty thousand dollars a year job working at this medical marijuana dispensary all he wanted to do was earn some money but he couldn't because the federal government decided to stick to prohibition i would argue that the sick people who need the marijuana are probably a better advertisement for medical marijuana but yeah i mean this is just another example of the problems with the way things are set up right now all right you know the thing the thing that all sticks out to me is you know this gets media attention you know he may he's a great figure to get media attention just a nice boy last night is what i want you know i really feel for a miss is too bad for him but you know you think about what who are in drugs
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affecting most obviously it's people of color make about thirty percent of the population sixty percent of the prison population in this country so and lot of that is for nonviolent you know drug yet we have heard that you know african-americans and white people smoke weed and use marijuana at about the same rate but the arrest disparity is just absolutely insane it's own lives and was last time you heard it on understand the prosecution putting out statements about how great the guy. was also because it was yeah they were for a person the same learning i mean about that about this guy yeah i just think you know one of the one of the interesting things about marijuana policy these days is there's a certain amount of libertarian there's a lot of libertarian emphasis on it that you know i want to smoke weed and i don't want the government to come in and tell me not to but at the same time that takes away a lot of discussion about how much the war on drugs has been part of an endless war on the african-american community in general and you know i think it's unfortunate . people like robert duncan get a lot of the coverage when there's
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a whole area to the war on drugs that's more complicated than just i want to you know participate in the marijuana economy it's such a big picture to it and you know it just doesn't get covered. and that being said you know i there's been a lot of this happens to do with a lot of the problem with marijuana policy a lot of the discussion regards regarding medical marijuana arrests has to do with prosecutor prosecutorial discretion and the obama administration you know is getting blamed for that made which may be unfortunate but do you think there's a degree to which democrats are getting left behind in marijuana policy discussion not only because it was in the other day on washington d.c. the city council passed you know legislation to decriminalize marijuana so i think that this is going to be a discussion that's had all over the country it may have some roots in libertarian politics but it's got some of the roots in liberal politics as well this is one of those things that i think is only a matter of time before it's legal across the country and now that members of congress can get high without being arrested in washington you know i finally see
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you know some of the congressman from florida that had to resign because of his his arrest he could still be serving his constituents today if the city council acted earlier that would be great for america all right sky's c.n.n. legal commentator mark america who is george zimmerman's defense attorney says that he thinks there should be some changes to florida's stand your ground should first law he's sending it to a proposal to the florida bar that would give judges the discretion to decide when to include stand your ground instructions and jury instructions america told reuters that judges should only include stand your ground and start instructions and jury instructions when the statute is quote relevant to the case at hand is this going far enough or do we need more substantial changes to stand your ground laws throughout the country i mean i don't want to get rid of it in general i think a lot of people would you know another case that hasn't gotten that much attention was numberous alexander florida woman who fired a warning shot. wanted to benefit from the stand your ground laws and warning shots
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because they were actually still doesn't it yeah exactly and she's facing up to sixty years in prison for that and the just this week. so human that it's a law that feeds into a racist system and it's a log. on the books in this country and i guess one of the good things about mark america may not talking about this is there hasn't been a lot of mainstream media discussion at all about the jury instructions that think the general consensus was in both the george zimmerman trial and the michael dunn trial that stand your ground didn't play any role in the case because there was no stand your ground pretrial hearing why do you think there hasn't been much mainstream media discussion of the jury instruction so far because you're asking the media to participate in any shred of depth and they don't. you know i talk about mark o'mara wanting changes to the way that this law is applied i'd love changes a on the roster of contributors of this event i don't know why this loon is allowed on television you know just because he happened to be involved in one of the biggest cases you know revolving race in this country in
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a long time doesn't give him any more more ability to speak to these issues than anybody else if they want to talk about some experts if they want to talk to some experts on c.n.n. about the law's part to cali or lack of practicality in the way that it's implemented they should be talking to the families of people that are impacted by this yeah it just seems upsetting that they would just make a hero out of this guy mark o'mara for this century exploited a loophole in a very terrible law i have a feeling that he's probably having trouble finding clients and that's why he's trying to soften the image here of coal i mean in the in the state of florida you know he knows the subsetting thing to say but who knows you know how many more clients he'll get just given the way that things seem to be going down in that state yeah i just think you know it's pretty ridiculous that the mainstream media would focus so much on you know the line mark america grandstand on this guy but not talk at all about the jury instructions you know it seems to me an essential part that they haven't really they've left out completely all right call stengel. call fresh thanks so much for joining me. all right the verdict in the michael dunn
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trial proved once again that there are two standards of justice in this country even though our constitution says that everyone has equal protection under the law not everyone gets fair treatment as tom pointed out and as tom pointed out recently thanks to stand your ground and shoot first laws it's basically illegal in some states for a white man to kill a black man as long as they can convince a jury that they were scared that black man. the michael dunn trial has all been proven that it's legal in red stand your ground shoot first states for a white man to kill a black man simply because he's afraid of black people. and just a few months ago the supreme court said there's no longer any significant racial discrimination or animosity to america and its ruling on the voting rights act so with that in mind let's take a look at how things really are american say when it comes to racial equality in response to the jordan davis case the trayvon martin case the folks over at color of change dot org of launched
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a new campaign titled black lives matter they're calling on americans to take action to help prevent the loss of another trayvon or george they say join us to bring an end to stand your ground and other shoot first laws that undermine public safety senselessly put people at risk and enable the kind of tragedy we witnessed in the case of jordan davis one main goal of the campaign is to convince white americans that black lives are just as valuable as white lives and the most black people are not scary but they're just like you and me right now across the web black americans are tweeting and posting pictures of black kids doing things that all kids do regardless of their race using the hashtag dangerous black kids. or late term or no as compiled some of the tweets over her horizons blog twitter user rice about tweeted out a picture of a black child playing baseball with a caption dangerous black kids get ready to steal meanwhile twitter user neil curry
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her tweet tweeted out a picture of a group of high school students many of them black with a caption that gaithersburg high school of b r o t h e r s inc is dangerous because they feed the homeless as dangerous black kids finally twitter user bugs act tweeted out a picture of her two sons with the caption my son is looking super scary one serves this country others serve student athletes with disabilities black kids. what these tweets and photos are trying to do is wake americans up to the fact that we're. regardless of skin color you think that the obvious but centuries generations and in recent decades and years of largely white owned and program media in america have repeatedly portrayed blacks in a variety of negative stereotypes from the early days of actor and comedian al jolson in blackface on the screen the answer my mind the marketplace on t.v.
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blacks are often characterized as subservient or dumb in popular culture today blacks are repeatedly characterized as criminals pimps drug dealers gang bangers the scary images been promoted from movies to music to television even the president of the united states is not a you when you use the word ass of a t.v. interview a few a few years ago drudge and others on the right screamed obama goes street street of course being code for angry black man. the result of media and popular culture portraying blacks as more likely to be criminals is that they're far more likely to be treated as criminals even when they're not jason robards a white man and a host of the you tube channel simple misfits decided to make a video to show the double standard that exists between white men and black take a look at what happened. when you hear the difference between how people react when he tries to break into a car versus when i try to break into a car that's lined up. perfectly
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nobody hears that here for thirty minutes and there's a cop here one thing if you try to stop me lessons you have been going to do that is right. if. it was. just. two minutes because our largely white society and culture is biased to think the black people are scary and white people aren't robert's videos
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a great example of what goes on all across america every day it's time to go beyond these recent stereotypes it's time to strip the stigma that's been associated with dark skin since the early days of slavery in america time for white americans to wake the hell up and realize that we're all humans black white asian it doesn't matter we're all just humans they we're all just trying to get through life as best we can we need to start doing some serious work clean up the best four hundred years of slavery and discrimination and parts are left in our country and both poverty and racism and it's time for white americans to wake up and help heal this country of four hundred years of self-inflicted it's. coming up ireland has always been known as the emerald isle and thanks to the hard work of a few brave lawmakers it's now a whole lot greener the reason why right after the break.
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we welcome their innate in abby martin to two of the coast some be our team at work . it's going to give you a different perspective give you one stock tip never i'll give you the information you make the decision only about how brave you the said we're the revolution of the mind it's a revolution of ideas and consciousness in the seems to be an extremely new approach would be described as angry i think in a strong no one single. missions far worse lead. to lead legislation and a finish line of the marathon. that.
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the lead. i would rather as questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on our question or.
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the internets green report conservatives yes conservatives are calling for more environmental regulations well you can't at least former and current canadian leaders are calling for more environmental regulations arguing that canada's increasing reliance on tar sands oil puts the country in a quote precarious position considering that the country has in the past had a strong record of environmental achievement former environment minister jim prentice said that as conservatives we can't be in the position of providing our political rivals with the opportunity to train us as out of touch with the values of canadians and the values and the prevailing sentiment the global community he went on to say that canada needed to work with the united states to enact stronger greenhouse gas regulations and big oil one way the u.s.
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can enact stronger greenhouse gas regulations on big oil is by creating a carbon tax big oil is currently the. the only industry in the world that doesn't have to pay to clean up its own waste and said you and i are forced to pick up the industries tab and deal with the consequences of it's trash if big oil had to pay to fill our skies with c o two suddenly green energy alternatives would become more affordable and our environment would see major improvements and our economy would improve to the idea of a carbon tax is nothing new either concert countries across the globe have already turned to carbon taxes to help improve their economies and the overall environment one of those countries is ireland and recently tom had a chance to speak with him and ryan former minister of energy and communications of ireland about the emer. carbon tax success story. joining me now from dublin to talk more about ireland's experience with carbon taxes and ryan former minister of
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energy and communications of ireland and now the head of the green party or mr ryan welcome. thank you very much indeed good to talk to you thanks for joining us what motivated carbon to create a carbon tax and how did you go about doing it. it took a long time i guess we were looking at it from the late ninety's and it took almost ten years before it was introduced in two thousand and ten and maybe not time it was useful in some way we got a lot of economic analysis done to show that if you introducers and use the revenues to reduce labor taxes and to protect people against fuel poverty and invest in new green energy systems that actually does your economy good it gives you a net gain to the economy it raises activity it cuts down the expensive imports of fossil fuels as well as cutting out the carbon so we were in government in two thousand and seven two thousand and eleven and it was one of our kind of commitments to try and deliver i was glad that we were able to do it and i suppose glad as well just to see it working you know the world didn't come to an end it
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wasn't an easy thing to do politically but the figures for our land i think show an example that you can actually start cursing out the carbon and your economy still holds up and we went through a difficult period in our economy but but the actual green economy has done well and i think it's a lesson for the rest of the world not you know work and work good people say look at scandinavian countries they're always doing the right thing maybe aren't is a nice example because we're perfect sinners as well but the same time we were able to do it and it worked how does the irish carbon tax for. we did vantages the spores were an island and it was very simple to introduce it in the sense that you put we put it at the point of entry so as as an orange ship comes into the into the port of corcoran supported dublin our culture it comes into sharp shannon river we're able to put the tax at a point of entry and that's a big advantage because you cut out the expense of collecting it and it kind of trick astrue the rest of the economic system so you put it on the oil tanker coming
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in or you put it on the coal the cold shipment. and then it applied in a myriad of different ways it's not a huge tax signal it accounts now for about one percent of our overall tax revenue but it's a signal that it's one of if you put it in as one of several signals it starts to have that effect in even there you don't expect you know in improving your energy efficient in your homes or improving industries energy efficiency when they see a carbon tax in place people know that they can vest in alternatives that actually cut out the use of fossil fuels so that's a big advantage we had is that was able to be fairly easily introduced at the point of entry it applied on on every aspect of transport he's saying. you can have it trickle through the economy enough way. and it was reasonably easy to to collect if you were to translate ireland's carbon tax into. dollars or euros per tonne of carbon and they did do you know you have
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a sense of or or even an exact number for what that would be and how my comparison to get carbon tax is you know a little bit. roughly twenty five dollars a tonne twenty five twenty euros a tonne whatever the external exchange rate is so we originally set it up by force to mirror the european union has another way of pricing carbon called emissions trading scheme we've set it up to mountain mirror that doesn't that price that exist across europe now the emissions trading scheme of things fall into a very low price but our carbon price this trade. thing i did stop consistency that you you know it's twenty euros a tawny whatever different up occasion that it applies it raises about four hundred million euros in tax revenue and in terms of arms going through a different economic situation so we needed to balance our budget and the carbon tax i suppose provided about twelve percent of the just meant we needed to make on the tax side so we were fortunate in some ways in our revenue situation with was
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very difficult and we were able to apply the carbon tax to help on that side but the real benefit is the signal that gives to investment in other areas and i suppose in ireland we've found benefit i mean we are firstly we're a very exposed ninety percent of our energies imported fossil fuels so we need to cut it i was and what we've seen in the last five years is we've doubled our amount of our new but energy supplies we saw a twenty five percent improvement in the efficiency of new irish cards and so doug those sort of signals and there was another in the car tax side we did some other measures around car tax to kind of help that happen i suppose the message the public one is it's not popular it's not easy to introduce it but every new irish car going into the to buy gasoline is spending twenty five percent less than i would have been had we not sent those at a price signal so it's not easy to introduce you know no one should should underestimate the difficulty but the benefit for the consumer is even if through those signals you can cut out the wasteful use of energy then everyone saving money
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in it more than covers the cost of the carbon tax in the first place now this irish carbon tax is first proposed by the irish green party which you're the head of right now what how do other political parties react to it have you found any interesting coalitions or alliances of parties that you might not think of as typically being concerned about global climate change or the cost of carbon. i think we have the advantage here in that there was broader complete consensus around this a transition towards a clean energy future that maybe it seems to. in the states and i'll be honest i don't think it's easy to introduce this if it has turned into a left vs right abiding republican versus democrat issue i think a key way of getting it getting it through is actually getting bipartisan agreement and i suppose if i was giving advice to the states where it is a current issue you know we know the budget negotiations you have ahead of you still isn't resolved surely it's one of the measures that actually could get some
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sort of bipartisanship support because in a sense it's leaving it to the free market to decide what sort of technology foster solutions you want to develop putting a price on carbon actually leaves the freedom of the market to actually work out plus the best way of doing that rather than a whole myriad of different government interventions so i think we were fortunate here where we introduced it that there was reasonable broad support for us i mean people play politics with the to a certain extent but we were able to introduce it because we could build stuff sort of deal across the house and i think that needs to happen elsewhere otherwise it becomes a political football and people are scoring points and to be honest the public opposition then it's a real problem so i think the first precursor to getting some sort of agreement is getting some sort of deal with parties different sides of the highs and then i think once you have that then you're you're you're one tenth of the way they're aiming ryan thanks so much for being with us tonight. thank you david. many on the
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left are. when the obama said back to the phones on with mr miller to get results. for today's politically correct it and correct in the conservative print media yesterday the united nations' intergovernmental panel on climate change the i.p.c.c. released their fifth assessment report on climate change and global warming in the weeks leading up to the report's release a number of conservative media outlets made false claims about the report and its findings and editorial the washington times on september fifth claimed that the report would admit that the planet has been cooler we know warming but the i.p.c.c. report makes it quite clear that the world is definitely warming and the war meanies are being driven primarily by human action an article in september twentieth washington examiner columnist iran arnoldo wrote that the i.p.c.c. report would include a stunning. peer of all forecasts of eminent planetary catastrophe were
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catastrophic were wrong in reality the i.p.c.c. report specifically notes that actual temperatures are consistent with past i.p.c.c. projections and computer models conservatives are also tackling the i.p.c.c. for being one of the strongest advocates of climate alarmism the heartland institute james taylor wrote an article in forbes in september twenty sixth claiming that the eyepiece easy's goal is to scare people and implement in the energy restrictions of the wealth redistribution prescribed as a cure for the mythical global warming crisis. but the majority of climate change experts agree that the i.p.c.c. report is actually very conservative in its findings and approach the new york times after examining information in the report see level rise of climate sensitivity p c c it was is bending over backwards to be scientifically conservative in their efforts to stand up for big oil and misinformed the american people we conservative media got pretty much everything wall about the i.p.c.c.
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that's why they've been correct. in other green news the next report from the intergovernmental panel on climate change is due at the end of march and according to the associated press we shouldn't expect good news the a.p. summarising summarized a draft version of the aipcs impacts adaptation and vulnerability report and the boiled it down to the fact that we're just not prepared the a.p. said that the report warned that starvation poverty flooding heat waves droughts war and disease or likely to worsen as the world were warms for a manmade climate change chris field a co-chair of the working group drafting the i.p.c.c. report said that we are simply not ready for the extreme weather we will experience he said quote i think if you look around the world that the damages that have been sustained in a wide range of climate related events it's clear that we're not prepared for the kinds of events we're already seeing another words we are not even ready for the
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extreme droughts floods and super storms that are already occurring and we're not doing enough to prepare for the fact that these events will only get worse the last report from the i.p.c.c. warn that our window for impact on climate change is rapidly closing but it's not shut yet our world must prepare for the extreme events of today and of the future and we have to act fast and fight hard to prevent our planet from getting even hotter. coming up by twenty fifteen gun deaths are expected to overtake traffic fatalities as the leading cause of non-medical deaths in the united states so why don't we start regulating guns like new cars and require all gun owners to have liability insurance tom we'll have more on that tonight's take.
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drama as the challenge be ignored to the. stories of others who refuse to notice. the faces changing the world lights in the. old picture of today's you know. from roads to global. growth to me.
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i marinate join me. in that impartial and financial reporting. i carry it for me and much much. weight on the bus and.
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now it's time for the good the bad and the very very cast the glee ugly the good alan simpson yes that alan simpson today the former republican senator joined nineteen other conservative lawmakers from western states and asking a federal court to strike down bans on same sex marriages the brief filed by those republicans argues that same sex marriage and hanson is the institution of marriage as they put it marriage is strengthened and its benefits important to society and the social stability of the family unit are promoted by the legalization of same sex marriage an overwhelming majority of americans agree that same sex marriage should be legal go to alan simpson and company for putting politics aside and doing
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what's right for the american people the bad congressman steve king who else just when it seems like the congressman steve king can't possibly say anything more outrageous or offensive he finds a way one sunday king said that he was disappointed in the arizona governor jan brewer's decision to veto a highly controversial bill that would have allowed business owners to discriminate against the gay community he also said that people would hate being gay to win lawsuits and went as far as to say that being gay is a quote self professed behavior take a look. at the private sector and you're you're an individual entrepreneur with god given rights that our founding fathers defined in the declaration you should be able to make your own decisions on what you do in their private business and i'm always uneasy about the idea of the philosophy of the your private slash public business because you have a door that's open that anybody can walk in that doesn't mean that you have to
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perform any kind of service that they demand although we have it's clear in the civil rights section of the code that the you you can't describe it. against people based upon a measure about the list right but race creed religion color of skin those kind of things and there's nothing mentioned in there on self professed behavior and that's what they're trying because the king to think that people are going to fake being gay just to get a few bucks and a very very ugly rush limbaugh during his radio show yesterday the conservative talk show host complained that twelve years a slave only won best picture at the oscars because it had the word slave in its title take a listen to that movie didn't win. there's no way that movie was not going to win if it was the only thing that movie won it was going to win best picture there was no way it didn't matter if it was good or bad i haven't seen it it was going to when it had the magic word in the title slave. bear with me for
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a second but rush is actually right the academy did give twelve years a slave backed best picture because it was about slavery african slavery is a blemish on our past and any movie that is able to talk about it talk about such a painful issue and educational and inspiring a way deserves an award rush however seems to think that confronting history is political correctness run amuck and that is just very very ugly. crazy alert legend of zelda real life edition video games fans know the story bad guy captures princess hero fights bad guy hero saves princess and then both of them
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live happily ever after it's simple yet relatable plots like this that have made the legend of zelda games among the most popular video games of all time i mean what guy doesn't want the chance to rescue the girl of his dreams from the clutches of a bully most of us won't get that chance in real life so we have to play video games instead for one lucky texas man released recently got the chance to rescue his real life princess zelda from a real life building villain using what else a real life legend of zelda story check it out. a bizarre story overnight katie one man says he had to grab a sword in a duel with his girlfriend strange husband it was rupp we come from the legend of zelda. to animate conventions and stuff in costume and so i got a. good looks nice and it just so happens to be pointed i pulled it out and i stood in the doorway and he was just coming down the hall at
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meanwhile selling. no way you don't live here and he just walked right into the point of our own people it was a toy time to talk about revenge of the nerds. on friday dominick cantrill howell a georgia man accidentally shot and killed his cousin according to the associated press how was sitting behind his cousin in a parked car when he took his handgun out of his waistband the gun then slipped from slap and as howell tried to grab it he accidently pulled the trigger fatally shooting his cousin in the back of his sense admitted to involuntary manslaughter meanwhile on saturday a kentucky man accidently shot himself in the hand with
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a shotgun well right in an all terrain vehicle according to the kentucky state police john doughtery was riding his a.t.v. when a shotgun he had on the t.v. fell off and fired i mean doughtery in the hand even the most responsible gun owners can have gun related accidents and unfortunately those accidents can take the lives of innocent bystanders and gov late accidents aren't as few and far between as the n.r.a. would like you to believe according to gun policy the org there were five hundred fifty four accidental gun deaths in two thousand and nine six hundred six in two thousand and ten and eight hundred fifty one in two thousand and eleven and in most cases the families of accidental gun deaths victims aren't going to receive any type of compensation for the loss of their loved ones that's why it's time we started treating guns like cars we were caught with prior car drivers to have insurance so that should they get in an accident with their card injure somebody or cause damage to another vehicle the victim's injuries or damage will be paid for we
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require. our owners to do these things because we think it's important to put some accountability into the use of potentially deadly machines groups like the n.r.a. will never admit it but guns are just like cars they're deadly machines that need to be regulated and that is the subject of tonight's daily take. and talk to say representative leslie combs had an embarrassing moment tuesday during a meeting with fellow state representative jeff greer accidentally fired her ruger semiautomatic handgun and no one was heard the bullet flat fragments flew all over the room damaging the carpet in a nearby bookshelf as combs told a local news station she was trying to load the gun one off. the sucker away an idea and i simply i was going through the process as i've been trying to do ok had it pointed in the proper direction like i've been trying to i was disarmed that like i've been trying to do. so at least that i am
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a gun owner it happens. representative columns is right mistakes happen when you're dealing with weapons like that ruger semi automatic and she had her purse at the end result isn't always as innocuous as what happened in their office on tuesday ultimately guns are dangerous tools created for one purpose and one purpose alone killing it all too often a mistake with a firearm cause a serious injury or death number of unintentional gun deaths every year hovers a or so around several hundred gun policy dot org there were five hundred fifty four accidental gun deaths in two thousand and nine six hundred six in two thousand and ten this isn't just in the united states and eight hundred fifty one in two thousand and eleven tragically children are often the victims mother jones estimates that of the one hundred ninety four kids killed in the year after the newtown massacre almost half eighty four were killed by accident of those eighty four children one of them was three year old ryder rozier who shot himself with
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a loaded gun found in his uncle's bedroom another was six year old brandon hole who was shot and killed by a friend who was playing with a twenty two caliber rifle he found in his house the plague of accidental gun deaths has continued into twenty fourteen just last week there were twenty three different accidental shootings of children eight involving preteens as long as guns are accessible and available unintentional gun deaths will happen this is just reality guns are dangerous weapons and that's why it's time we started treating them like we do cars like guns cars can kill every year tens of thousands of americans die in car accidents cars a two ton hunk of speeding metal and if it's not used carefully it can kill people . but owning a car is actually more difficult than owning a gun before you can legally drive your car yet pass a test and get a driver's license and if you own
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a car and want to drive it around at the register. with your local d.m.v. and you have to insure yourself and your car we require car owners to do these things because we think it's important to put some accountability into the use of potentially deadly machines however thanks to tireless efforts by the gun industry and its front group the n.r.a. no such system exists for gun owners in fact just the mention of gun registration gets the far right worked up into a frenzy and. in reality though there shouldn't be any difference between owning a gun in owning a car they're both powerful and potentially deadly yet we only require car owners to register their vehicles and insure themselves against accidents and death that's all rageous especially when you consider that by two thousand and fifteen gun deaths are expected to overtake traffic fatalities as the leading cause of non-medical deaths in the united states. just like cars and guns should be
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registered in the time they're made to the time they're destroyed so there's a continuous chain of ownership anyone who owns a gun should be required to have liability insurance so if they injure or kill somebody the victim or the victim's family will receive some sort of monetary damages every statement country should require gun owners to pass a competency test just like drivers do and get a shooters license before they can carry or use a gun it's just common sense it goes without saying that we need robust going control measures like universal background checks and bama assault weapons closing the gun show loophole but we also need to stop treating guns like sacred cows and start treating them for what they are deadly weapons that require regulation and insurance a matter what wayne la pierre says there is no such thing as an unlimited right. especially when it comes to deadly weapons like with the first amendment that right you can't just walk into a crowded theater yell fire you should. be allowed to own
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a gun without first demonstrating to society that you're fit to do so and committed and responsible and have liability insurance nothing is going to bring back the hundreds of people accidentally killed every year by irresponsible gun owners but if we started treating guns like cars people would think twice about leaving their shotgun hanging around the house or keeping their handgun. and who knows we might just save some lives in fact we almost certainly would in the process. and that's the way it is tonight tuesday march fourth twenty fourteen don't forget democracy begins with you tom always says get out there get active tag you're it.
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well. it's technology innovations all the lives developments from around russia. that's huge you're covered. i marinate joining me. for kinda impartial and financial reporting commentary can from news and much much. only on bombast and only on.
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i would rather as questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on our t.v. question. coming
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up on r t tensions are high on the crimean peninsula and now pressure is growing for world leaders to respond to the crisis more from ukraine just ahead and the u.n. security council meeting featured harsh words to describe russia's interest in ukraine but are they accurate a look at that coming up. and it may turn out that an innocent tax and it was executed cameron todd willingham was found guilty of killing his three daughters in an arson attack but is that really the case we'll tell you more later in the show. it's tuesday march fourth eight pm then washington d.c. i mean you're a david and you're watching r t america we begin tonight with the latest in ukraine
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most of the attention is now centering on the southern peninsula of crying crimea excuse me which is located on the northern coast of the black sea as you know political tensions continue to rise control over the region is now in question but for more on the most recent developments i spoke with our tease igor piskun of and i first asked him to talk about what happened in crimea today. well i have to say more alas it's been a normal working tuesday lots of people on the streets going about their business all the roads are open to traffic shops are open cafes restaurants schools etc even sometimes when we are filming reports the locals come up to me and say why is there so many media here still why are you guys reporting on there is nothing to report on and which is i think a little bit of a bit of humor but it's actually the media or western and ukrainian media with
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which many locals are quite disappointed that there are really unhappy with the way the west has been showing the pictures here the situation here in the crimea thing that when they watch some of the u.s. mainstream journalists they get a feeling after watching those big tanks and stuff here allegedly in the crimea they get a say they have a feeling that there's some sort of awards taking place and they don't agree with that point of view in fact a group of activists held this brawl just drive on tuesday in one of the crimean cities saying they want the world and the media to be more adventurous to how objective their reporting is in fact many are saying that they think this issue ation here in the crimea is much more calm right now than in the rest of the country and i think you're the only remaining tensions which do come up now and then are probably between the so-called self-defense squads and the those
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ukrainian troops the remaining ukrainian troops we still haven't pledged allegiance to to borders and igor there are reports of shots being fired in the air have you heard any shots yourself on the area seem to be safe while the city is completely safe we are in the superdome right now which is the capital of crimea also into possible point which is of the largest the second largest seaport of ukraine in general. situation is pretty calm there but there was this one incident when tensions the roads between. one of those stuffs and squads that would have been guarding one of the airports here in the crimea and fifty ukrainian troops along with their officers and representatives of the media were actually broadcasting the whole situation life the more just on to the self-defense squads trying to enter this airport and they did fire warning shots into the air asking them asking the troops to stop even though it's clearly heard on the video which was
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broadcast live that some of the people in that crowd were trying to provoke the. self-defense squad saying just fire at us but they weren't armed and so they were able to resolve the situation from the go see asians no fighting broke out and we're getting reports now that actually apparently they were allowed to enter that border and probably right now they are allegedly they are even patrolling it together but i can't really confirm this information since we are pretty far away from that place right now but i'm bored from that incident in general like i say that the two asian it's pretty calm all right an election to our plan and now for many that's what we're hearing what are people on the ground saying about this what's the reaction to that well the elections are being planned or the presidential election is being planned by the new authorities in kiev but the locals here are saying more and more of them and the official. local authorities
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here are also saying that they do not recognize any sort of new decisions coming out of the new authorities do they think they came to power legally and so they don't see any legitimacy in these orders and right now everyone here is focusing on the upcoming referendum which should decide whether or not the crimea should have even more independence from kiev and then deeper. eventually action is planned for the end of may this referendum is now being planned for the end of march so perhaps it's during the referendum that we'll find out how much independence from kiev the crimea and so living here in this part of the country really want but i also think that we'll find out about some economic changes in the financial institutions and structures here because the lots of attention them on the locals a lot of discussions right now are focused on how salaries will be paid pensions
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and so on and referred from the president. president of russia. met with the russian journalists in moscow and they didn't promise financial support from russia to the crimea so this news was greeted with applause here in the republic local authorities say it will be used productively also to increase the salaries of the local civil workers police and so on so i guess the authorities are now focusing more about. just working out things here in the republic independently sort of from even though this referendum still hasn't been held and even though the authorities in kiev all together say that the crimean seven all the right to hold any type of independence referendum under several new laws which they've just passed there seems there is yet a lot to be determined and it will all play out in the next few months unfortunately that's all we have time for but r.t. correspondent you are pissed going to have
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a new crane thank you. as tensions rise on the streets of ukraine the country has been seeking new leaders to carry the country into a new era but as our peter oliver finds out these new leaders also happen to be the country's richest business people. they overthrew the elected government now the people of kiev's independence square up a message for those who would lead the country. regardless if they have to gather together all these all groups and put their store money that's in foreign accounts or to ukraine not just their money but sell their houses their courage their jewelry and put it into national bank two of the latest names to take over key roles in ukraine are also among the richest in the country. he is the third richest man in ukraine with a fortune estimated at a cool two point four billion dollars. is thought to be worth around two billion but other members of the parliament appointed authorities in kiev hardly poverty
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stricken at least not going by their property portfolios this is the kiev home of interim prime minister are seen in new york it's one of the more modest dwellings belonging to members of the interim government but some of ukraine's new leadership live far more opulent lifestyles. are you supposed to live in a one hundred square meter apartment however after no other residents could recall ever having seen him ukrainian journalists discovered he was actually living in a mansion surrounded by high walls and as the country gears up for elections the business affairs of the potential presidential candidates have come under the microscope former prime minister yulia timoshenko is the proud owner of a series of luxury homes including one in the exclusive village of silver bay which boasts a private beach and moorings for a yacht. that bought
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a shank is multi million dollar country pile has more than a little of the white house about it but for many of those on independence square too many presidential hopefuls have been too close to the. much of the country for far too long. i want to see professionals not only guards running the country they've all been around the power for a long time and want to see new faces each a real specialist but despite the calls for an end to the reign of the only guards from protesters it seems all of those vying for power in kiev come straight out of ukraine's financial elite peter all of a r.t. . and we're just learning that the u.n. security council will hold another emergency meeting on the crisis in ukraine on monday of next week this time at the request of russia this will be the third security council meeting held as a result of the ongoing conflict in the country artie's honest. takes
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a look at the latest from the u.n. and how the media is interpreting the crisis. it's a game of he said she said as a war of words peaks over the ukrainian crisis with russian troops. ukrainian territory the western media have gleaned russia and dubbed it the aggressor long before sending troops to ukraine was even considered checkmate the works inviting even the likes of discredited politicians like the former georgian president to weigh in on the situation this is u.s. security interests at stake making russia out as the key bad guy by the media has been all the rage. ukraine remains torn while the us acts as of democracies its only concern is very. very very as if oblivious to the fact that the west has long been interested in
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ukraine for geopolitical reasons remember that nato has for for years now really since the end of the soviet union seen ukraine as the frontier of nato expansion be destabilization began at the behest of the united states the. european union and nato of the united nations russia's ambassador made public an appeal from victory still officially president to putin to get involved to the president of russia. to use the armed forces of the russian federation to reestablish the rule of law or peace or stability and to protect the people of ukraine. march. two thousand and fourteen despite this the west continues to push for interpret events otherwise it is a violation of international law and a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the independent nation of ukraine with the media forming public opinion the crisis has largely turned into a propaganda war independent journalists continue to report that there is no
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evidence of violence against russian or pro russian communities have the impression that ms power is using information from the us t.v. a key factor and upside down by the west and its media is that russia never said it wanted a war with ukraine or that its goal has ever been to an extreme mia from ukraine's territory as this conflict turns into a war of words what it doesn't lack is misinformation as accusations emotions and threats fly high the future of ukraine remains unclear and the situation on the ground a lot more complex than the good guy bad guy coverage and as i said you're going to r.t. new york. and for more reaction on what's going on in ukraine earlier i spoke with u.k. member of parliament george galloway i first asked him how he would like to see the e.u. proceed regarding the conflict in the country. well the european union would first of all be best to distance itself from the ludicrous nonsensical approach that the
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united states government is taking after all from the luxury of many thousands of miles away the united states can take a certain view and strike a certain core of the note but the european union is cheek by jowl with the rush hour always has been always will be is dependent on trade and energy with russia and should not poke the bear with a stick not just because there is no justification for doing so but because it cannot possibly be in our own national interest the british government of course which has invaded and occupied in massive numbers of soldiers and occupation troops country after country over the last ten fifteen years been complicit in killing more than a million people in those occupations is in the last possible position to lecture
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other people about what they do about events in a country on its own doorstep the facts of the matter are that russia has every right indeed obligation to act in defense of its compatriots its citizens its economic and military assets which it has on the territory of the ukraine by agreement and by treaty no russian government at least not one more of the of the name government could possibly allow such things to be endangered imperiled without taking the action the president putin has taken and george i want to talk about the opposition in ukraine recently you actually referred to the demonstrators as terrorists and do you still stand by that claim. i do of course not everyone involved in the demonstrations in the mud down were terrorists or even extremists although most of the heavy lifting in the fighting
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with the police and security forces was done by ultra nationalists at best and outright nazis and fascists. and they had some very peculiar friends from the far right republican senator john mccain two superannuated retired apparently israeli military officers who were talking about the war on them i'd done in the israeli newspaper ha'aretz just the other day i saw undoubtedly if you're killing policeman you're setting policeman on fire if you're taking over by physical force the organs of the state driving the elected president from the land and forcing members of parliament to put their hands up under duress for changes to the government and so on then if that was happening
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anywhere else you could be sure the b.b.c. would be calling them terrorists no doubt to throw what we do know that ukrainians had a number of grievances with the government including you know lack of jobs high inflation government corruption and that was all reflected in the president's public opinion polls leading up to the original protests in your opinion what could or should the opposition have done if not take to the streets and protest. well let me say i agree with what you've said i'm not here holding any kind of candle for a eunuch of it in fact i think he was a pretty awful president and the corruption and the existence of oligarchy power in ukraine is something that has been a number called to the the standard of life the quality of life of every person whether ukrainian or russian speaking in the territory but it's quite simple what they could have done the president. under pressure no doubt from the demonstrations
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but in negotiation an agreement with european union ministers agreed to bring forward an early presidential election just a few months from now and of course yakov it could have been voted out probably would have been voted that point but that's not what happened it's a bit like the situation in egypt president morsi was a very bad president but it only been for a year and the way to get rid of a bad president is to vote them out otherwise arche rules and prevails normally of course the western media is very clear about that except where the an arche is in their interests in this case and it was hoped to put russia in a difficult place and it is a preoccupation of western policymakers and their media echo chamber to make life
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as difficult as possible for russia and you did just mention as though what we're seeing happen in ukraine it is very much life what we saw happen in egypt when protests are such remove morsy democratically elected president do you believe it's ever ok or justified to overthrow an elected president. yes if there's a real revolution for the betterment of the people you'll always find me on that particular a barricade but that's not what's happened to all the guard was between them ten billion dollars have just been appointed by this so-called revolution to be governors in the eastern part of ukraine one of them lives in switzerland so you'll find it very difficult to do that job fascists who wish to re ability and honor the nazi collaborators in ukraine who wish to hunt virtually nonexistent jews in the ukraine people who want to ban russian speakers from
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using their language even though forty five percent of the population are russian speakers that's not a revolution that's a push for a very dark series of tortoises saw if they were getting rid of yana coverage to put a real patriotic person who would big life better for all the people in the ukraine who would seek to unite the people of ukraine rather than divide them who would seek to have good relations with their neighbors rather than provocatively seek to be a cat's paw for other powers and interests us interests then that would be a wholly different thing. that was george galloway a member of the u.k. parliament's respect party. and newly discovered evidence is now suggesting that a texas father who was executed ten years ago for killing his three daughters may
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have been innocent all along cameron todd willingham was sentenced to death in one thousand nine hundred two after being convicted of murdering his daughters by burning down the home they were in however that was all according to arson analysis that was later discredited but the conviction was also based on key testimony from a jailhouse informant and now even that testimony is being put into question so could the state have executed a wrongfully convicted man that's exactly what the innocence project is taking a closer look at to discuss this i was joined earlier by a staff attorney at the innocence project bryce budget i first asked them to explain the discredited arson analysis used in the case. again this was a horrible fire that took place just before christmas in one thousand nine hundred one and the three willingham children were killed in the fire that was initially on question but then arson investigators looked at.
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the fire with evidence that in science that was really outdated at the time and certainly now uniform uniformly discredited. now the other piece of evidence was testimony from a jailed man a man named johnny webb just so the audience is clear can you talk about his relationship to willingham and why that testimony was so strategic. oh absolutely so in this case you had a man who had presumably no motive to murder his children and then you had scientific evidence faulty indicating that this was an intentionally set fire but again a jury needed some reason for this to have happened and johnnie webb provided that for the state web claimed that during. a really implausible
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conversation that he alleged took place at the jail that willingham confessed to having murdered his children intentionally setting that fire. this again was discredited even on its face but the jury had to believe it because of the arson testimony now flash forward. when the arson testimony has been discredited we now have to look again at what webb had to say and why webb might have said that well going on what we've going off what you're talking about and you know of course innocence project has discovered documents which i think is what you were just about to talk about you know can you you know tell us about what you found yeah all all long and at the trial johnnie webb testified that he had been offered nothing in return and in fact the prosecutor man named john jackson who became a judge had said in fact there's nothing i can do for you that was what the jury
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heard and gave them reason to believe what ordinarily might not be believable from mr webb what we have now discovered are documents in which it really appears in these documents suggest that there might have actually been a deal provided to mr webb and that is something that is uniformly recognized in the law as a reason to overturn convictions if there is knowing. evidence that this person was not. brought it to the defense and so what we have discovered is a handwritten note from the prosecutor's own file that says that webb was to receive a second degree robbery conviction on charges that he was facing in because of his cooperation in willingham and that to us appears to be a smoking gun type document indicating a deal there is another note that we've discovered which was only two months after
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the conviction of mr willingham which is attributed to the prosecutor jackson in which he informs the clerk to tell the prison system that webb received a sentence of second degree robbery even the web claimed at trial testified at trial under oath that he was convicted of an aggravated offense so again none of this adds up. that was bright bend a staff attorney at the innocence project. and the former blackwater security contractors who were charged in a deadly shooting in iraq are now asking a federal judge didn't dismiss the indictment against them before former blackwater worldwide contractors are accused of being involved with a mass shooting in which fourteen unarmed iraqi civilians were killed ultimately the incident led to a criminal prosecution in washington d.c. that has been going through federal courts the federal court system for over five
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years prosecutors have long argued that the shooting was unprovoked and that it incited a wave of anti american sentiment of drop on the other hand isn't boyer's have maintained that the men were improperly charged with a federal law that holds only military employees and contractors accountable for crimes committed outside the us lawyers say that because these contractors were affiliated with the state department and not the military they can't technically be charged under this law and that is why the defendants are ultimately seeking a dismissal of the charges now if the charges are not dismissed and the men are convicted they will face lengthy prison sentences or charges of manslaughter and attempted manslaughter from panama to the post nine eleven invasion of iraq the u.s. government has been no stranger to foreign interventions and now with the american media talking about sovereignty over the ukraine crisis does u.s. foreign policy look somewhat to face or more on this here's the resident gloria her
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finish. i am an american and i live in a glass house according to the department of defense's two thousand and ten base structure report the u.s. has fixed hundred and sixty two military bases in other countries overseas but the pentagon has been locked into level anything of bases because of the negative political kind of stations associated with it so it's hard to keep track of just how many soldiers and bases the us has spread around the world but make no mistake we have by far the biggest military presence in the world by far as
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stupidly large margin my glass house is in new york city i can't imagine walking down broadway past foreign armed soldiers on my way to get a coffee but that's the reality for many people around the world they have the us military all up in their faces all the time they have the us trying to impose its will on them constantly at that the us knows what's best for everyone and just like their military many americans like to pretend that they know what's best about what's going on in areas of conflict around the world right now that's happening with ukraine suddenly everyone around me in new york city is an expert on what's going on in ukraine and what needs to happen next they listen to the media tell them exactly what the us government wants them to think and then they're experts or even worse they read
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a select one to fifty articles on. on their own so suddenly not only are they export so what ukrainians want and need but they're journalists on top of it i like to call them hipster journalists ukraine is the pet topic for them right now the last time it was a theory up remember how all these hipster journalists cared about syria recently and had all the solutions i guess they just got bored and moved on to ukraine the poorest areas it was egypt or libya or a thousand other places where these american hipster journalists have probably never lived never sat down for a home cooked meal with the family in that country to see what they want but what do we expect in america we meddle our military gets up every country's business and our hipsters pretend to know what's right for every other culture on the planet sorry you can count me out we have such a crappy culture here our government politicians and corporations are all kinds of
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messed up i can see the glass house i live in so i refuse to throw any stone tonight to talk about that by following me on twitter at the risk of him. and before we go don't forget to tune in at nine pm for larry king now tonight's guest is reality t.v. star jack osborne and this nobody answers a question from a viewer about being on t.v. with his famous family do you feel like there was too much editing or that you all portrayed in ways that will steer the real you know what one thing or blunt about reality t.v. is that. you are who you all i gave you what you know you see these people on t.v. all i was edited wrong i was a wrong if you're dick going to come across as a day if you're a nice person you're going to come across as a nice person i was a crazy sixteen year old kid who had an awful lot of even the weight and anxious
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leeway and access to a lot of substance to his most teenagers don't know you are never wrong they hope you were right because i was a bratty presented so tonight nine pm tonight here on our team america i will marry david have a great night. and i was there i marinate this is boom bust and these are the stories that we're tracking for you today. first up we're looking at stats studies and figures so what's up with the u.s. economy according to the numbers will let you know then we have about ballroom on today's show the president and founder of print the palace asset management joined me earlier from our london studio to discuss the impact that geopolitics has on the
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financial markets you know won't want to miss that interview and finally in today's big deal edward harrison and i are discussing the ongoing feud between apple and google over the future of mobile computing in your cars yeah in your vehicle it all starts right now. today's lead story down deaths and more steps now we have a lot of figures coming out this week and we're taking a cold hard look at all of them well not all of them but the important ones now first up household spending in the u.s. is up and better than expected figures from the u.s.
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department of commerce show that personal spending which accounts for about seventy percent of the economy rose four tenths of a percent while disposable personal income also increased by a point four percent however the personal savings rate is currently four point three percent and that's the lowest it's been since record keeping began out. side of the housing and tech bubble of course but pretty low now according to bloomberg quote improvement in hiring and rising wealth underpinned by housing and stock market gains will keep providing consumers with the means to spend on broader on a broader swath of goods and services that will boost economic growth. meanwhile u.s. manufacturing accelerated in february as well activity in this sector rose to levels not seen since may of twenty ten u.s. p.m.i. rose to fifty seven point one percent in february much stronger than january's fifty three point seven percent which was a three month low and attributed to bad weather in manufacturing readings above
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fifty percent indicate expansion now elsewhere u.s. auto sales in february finished even while general motors ford and chrysler all reported stronger than expected sales however have to incentives to lure customers into dealerships late in the month who didn't overcome the cold and stormy weather which yet again is being held accountable for keeping customers away now how high are sales incentives and all of these sales incentives the increase has increased concerns about the auto industry's profitability in the future now the annualized sales rate for the month finished at fifteen million vehicles just short of the fifteen point four million expected by analysts and it was the third month in a row that's a weaker than expected sales for the u.s. auto industry so what do all these studies and statistics tell us that crummy weather is bad for the economy i'm just kidding in fact they almost tell us the exact opposite so all the bad weather definitely played
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a part in the slump that we've seen in certain sectors maybe just maybe there's a little more to each story than meets the eye. in the wake of the financial crisis there's been a surge in interest among market professionals in both politics and economic policy now frankly markets and policymakers they speak to entirely different languages and policy people they don't really understand the financial market implications of their actions. true however dr if i'm president and founder of principle as asset management fills that gap she helps fund managers better understand how politics policy and geopolitics impacts financial markets earlier i spoke with about the policy issues that are having the biggest impact on the economy and global markets
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today ukraine took up a lot of our conversation take a look at what she had to say. always makes prices go up but let's think carefully about the ukraine not only is it the bread basket for russia and the principal place where we is grown in that part of the world but it's also where all the natural gas pipelines segues through from russia into western europe so do we think that the price of natural gas for western europe is going to remain the same if russia has a greater control over what's going on in the ukraine i think those prices are probably going up wheat prices just to be very specific really were very much behind the arab spring and continued to be behind the ongoing troubles in egypt that whole country rests on a subsidized bread price so there now these interesting negotiations going on between the russians and the egyptians which amount to we'll give you weet if you
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give us a naval base a military port because the russians lost their military port in syria because of the trouble there so you know you know these things really will affect prices and therefore geopolitics comes into play as well that's very interesting i want to ask you do you think that we will see meaningful economic sanctions against russia. no i do not think we will see meaningful economic sanctions against russia i think that actually the united states and the west meaning europe have made it pretty clear that they are not prepared to do anything about this issue and i think that's going to raise a whole bunch a new pressures in all the countries that have large russian populations from georgia all the way to kaliningrad there are going to be questions now about how vulnerable are those countries how hard will the russian population push to have
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a greater closer alliance with russia now that these events in the ukraine have happened so suddenly the borders of all of eastern europe are becoming a little less certain and stable and i think we're going to see a lot more geopolitics in the region as a result of that a lot more noise protest. debate so yeah bottom line is what can the u.s. do it's well kind of at best you know maybe the americans can freeze the financial assets of the russians but i think there are only about three russians who have any money in a u.s. bank and they're not the smartest ones right i mean russians have not been keeping their money in the u.s. financial system for a long long time so i don't think they're very vulnerable yeah cyprus that went well for them as well and i want to ask you you know you obviously have said that you don't think we'll see any meaningful economic sanctions. against russia but hypothetically if we did get sanctions what impact would be is have on inflation
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and the markets. well the economic sanctions generally speaking don't work very well i mean if you recall it was many many years of economic sanctions against the apartheid regime in south africa before things finally started moving and even now there is a question mark about how much the sanctions made any difference to that outcome so i don't think that the russians are too afraid of them nor do i think the markets are too afraid i mean after all the financial markets briefly hiccupped but basically have been stable in reaction to these events and frankly even the social unrest we've seen everywhere from china to thailand we've seen signs of it even in places like singapore where they've had street protests over rising asset prices rent property prices grocery bills it's hard to imagine singaporeans are testing but they are even in these locations the market hasn't reacted to these things so i
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think part of it is there's this feeling of well you know basically the fed and the white house together will bail everybody out if anything goes awry so you don't really have to worry and other ways of kind of feeling of well i have to worry about it i don't want to i really want markets to be sound so there's a tendency to kind of just push all this geopolitics to the side and that's just not worry about that right now and call it a black swan something we can be accountable for and could never have a dissipated thank you nothing now i want to ask you what do you think the russians are trying to do in crimea. oh i think that this has been a very long standing issue this didn't come out of the blue we got a sort of. early run of the story a few years ago in georgia when georgia was attempting to become more independent of russia and the russians basically kicked back and got tough and sent in troops
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and so in a way we shouldn't be surprised by these events but you know in the end it's about russia trying to pursue their their national strategic security interests and i think frankly we've seen two leaders in the world pursuing the same line of thought china is the other one and as the united states has increasingly withdrawn from the middle east and withdrawn from foreign affairs generally both china and russia have detected the vacuum and said there's an interesting opportunity here to go after the assets the territory the diplomatic influence that would be valuable to us i would add to that as well when i think the russians and the chinese alike fully understand that the debt burden causing that loss of faith and hope in the future the chinese worker says i know i'm not going to get rich before i get old so you
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better give me something else here they know that you could buy and that with higher food prices and you've got a time bomb and so both russia and china are reaching for greater control over assets or getting the ukraine comes back food and natural gas that's the name of that game china does it in a different way reaching for us it's not just in africa but deepening their ties in latin america. in asia because they can't feed their population right they can't grow enough stuff to feed that population so it's part of this geopolitics is about that new inflation pressure creating geo political problems and part of it is about the u.s. withdrawing which is in part because of the debt burden and the u.s. can't afford to remain as engaged as it used to be. now as of a tuesday morning we learned that the u.s. is offering one billion dollars in aid to the ukraine is this a sum of money that will be a game changer in your view. absolutely not
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a day zero something like thirty four thirty five billion in debt i think it's pretty much inevitable that they're going to default on that debt to all of the debt holders except the russians they won't be in default upon but i think i'm pretty else will be and there's been a lot of talk about the i.m.f. in the package but the i have enough cannot give money to a country where they perceive a divided government if they think that the eastern part of the country is controlled by authorities other than the national government they can't really write a check for that emphasize the i.m.f. doesn't have the resources to be able to bail out thirty four or thirty five billion dollars worth of debt in one nation alone one pretty much every nation around the world as a debt problem and many of them are on the brink of bankruptcy themselves or default i should say so i don't think we're going to see. a systematic answer to the ukraine that leaves them independent of these new events and of russian
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influence. time now for a very quick break but stick around because when we return more from my interview with all room then in today's big deal edward harrison and i discussed the future of behavior where mo bile domination yeah you won't want to miss that because you probably can't figure out what i'm talking about and i can barely do it but as we have very quick break here are some of your closing numbers with developing a stick around. the world so there are made and i'll be more with two or three close on your team at work. whom us it's going to give you a different perspective give you one star never i'll give you the information you make the decision don't you both bring you the work of the revolution of the mind it's a revolution of ideas and consciousness in the system yes. extraordinary your produce
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would be described as angry i think i'm a strong you know i'm single. we're back now with more per my interview with graham president and founder of principalities asset management now after speaking about the current conflict in ukraine our conversation turned to the developed economies now we're seeing unprecedented monetary policy measures everywhere and i started by asking people why we haven't seen inflation in government reported statistics yet here's what she had there and a lot of different reasons but one reason is because of the fed announcing its
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tapering so when they announced the quantitative easing a huge amount of money went into emerging markets or now they take it away that also leaves the emerging markets that's one but i think a bigger issue is all the emerging markets are experiencing civil unrest or civil protest in one form or another and that's caused by the loss of jobs and the loss of hope in the future that the debt burden creates on the one hand and rising cost of living especially higher food prices you put the two together you create an explosion it's not good from an investor point of view now the fear is that we're going to have another crisis that's another fear floating around do you think this is an emerging markets crisis. i think that it's heading the emerging markets especially hard let me let me be more specific what we see in the emerging markets is the rise of something we have not seen for years and that is inflation and whenever you get inflation you get social unrest and we're getting what we used to
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call of wage price spiral and what that means is as emerging market workers realize that their grocery bill is going up their energy bill is going up they're demanding higher wages that means they're less competitive and so we see companies like apple who make all our phones moving back to the united states which is now competitive again but even foxconn which is the second largest employer in china they just announced they're building their first production facility in harrisburg pennsylvania so this is an emerging market crisis in the business model they had which was making a lot of stuff cheaply no longer works when they become a more expensive place to operate and a less politically stable place to operate people what's driving the increase in prices that's causing this inflation anx in emerging markets. well this is a really tricky question because technically central banks everywhere are telling us that there is no inflation whatsoever but when you look at the actual cost of
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living for most parts of the world and i would include even the us i think what people are experiencing at the grocery store is very different from what the data coming out of the fed tells you you know here we have beef prices on an all time record high even in america people notice that but in an emerging market when protein prices go up to record levels this creates a real problem because it means that where before they had gone from say two meals a week they had meat for meals and now they want to be at six and they got to go back to two because the cost has gone up and why is the cost rising it's partly because there's no lending to all the production side you know we see for example even the u.s. cattle herd has fallen to the lowest level since i think one nine hundred fifty three why because the cost of raising it has gone up so much so part of it's a lack of lending because the margins have been crushed part of it i think is that
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we've just got a global demand that can't be met with current production levels and part of it's an energy story and in the u.s. we've got a great energy boom but the rest of the world still finds oil above one hundred bucks really quite expensive and that's forty to seventy percent of an emerging market workers income food and energy alone and now is this kind of what we're seeing in venice well right now as well can you speak to about all. yeah i think it's exactly i think that as well as the picture i've described but on steroids because they've been pursuing kind of highly inflationary unstable policies for such a long time and now it's just accelerating but to be fair we also see this rising inflation pressure in argentina for example recently the argy time government shifted from their old measure of inflation to the new one it turns out they think it's now three or four times as high as they had said it was. so i think
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like i said venezuela is an extreme case but frankly the same set of pressures apply even in the ukraine you know if you look back at the last two years you will see they have very consistently rising food prices and a high energy price and that is what creates the pain and the human factor that propels people into the streets and makes them start asking lots of tricky questions about why is the wealth in my society being distributed to some other guy and not to me what about the scramble for natural resources in latin america and africa. well i think there is a massive scramble for natural resources it's principally energy and food most people think it's only energy. and it shows up and lots of different ways for example you've seen the chinese announced that they're going to build a canal in nicaragua which is parallel to the panama canal because basically they
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feel very uneasy depending on a u.s. controlled panama canal they'd rather have their own and that's very much about creating pathways for the raw materials food and energy to come from latin america back to the u.s. sorry from america back to china also closer alliance between for example china and mexico right china is investing heavily in mexico's energy infrastructure the leadership of mexico of announced opening up to foreign direct investment and they're going to build five new refineries approximately one and a half inches off the u.s. border which means all that crude from the gulf which traditionally is very difficult to manage can be refined and of a made available to china so that's part of it for russia the power of of owning large amounts of wheat in this world economy is immense so again the
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ukraine being a bread basket for that part of the world and again natural gas that who controls it is about cash flows it's about pricing power i mean if these were companies instead of countries you would be buying the stock right let's put it that way now in latin america oil that's the big issue brazil is going into deep sea drilling argentina expropriated assets from the majority owner of its national oil company reps all spanish oil company actually and in mexico we see privatization like you mentioned now is there a way for investors to make sense of this varied and changing landscape. well i think you raise an excellent point one of the most significant rests on the horizon is expropriation and let's not forget inflation is expropriation so that's one kind of subtle form with which governments basically take the cash out of your pocket but another form is they just outright say we're going to take your
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assets so it's happened in many locations even in for example south africa when the workers said we want to get paid more for pulling mined assets out of the ground when the mining companies said oh i don't think so the government basically said we could actually nationalize you guys there's a big debate about whether they would really do it but the threat was put on to the table and that made south africa a whole lot less attractive to investors same thing latin america has started to talk about expropriating energy assets africa gonna guinea already expropriating chinese own energy assets or mining assets in that part of the world so again we come back to if the governments are broke or if they're suffering from the debt problem then they need cash that means they're going to reach for assets even beyond their own borders and as a clear example why has argentina raised the issue of who owns the falklands again
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that would be because they have found immense gas fields off the falklands and suddenly that has lots of value against the backdrop of much higher inflation in argentina. that was picked up mall room politics and policy expert and former special assistant to the president of united states america for economic policy under george w. bush time now for today's big deal. edward harrison joins me now to discuss the integration of mobile phones in your automobile. thank you jake one of our producers for now ever and i are talking about out those car plays systems and what that means in the ongoing battle between apple and google over the future of mobile computing now what is our play basically apple wants to integrate its mobile mobile operating systems into
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cars this is done with link your i phone sure cars in dash display system giving you access to your phone's maps music and messages siri of course will also respond to your voice commands as well obviously now mercedes-benz ferrari and volvo are already on board and later this year out of apple plans to release this system for honda. jaguar car play will run on i os seven and will only work with i phone five i phone five s. and i phone five c. five that are there so that'll be an extra chunk of change to consider here holding on to your old output device like myself so edward can you give us a little more information about car play what is it able to do to enhance the driving experience that we don't have now well you know first of all this think about this from an apple respect is it a boom or is it a bus and i think this is a bust of the deal because basically there's you know there it's only
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the three latest models all these models have this proprietary. dongle which is the lightning which isn't the same. it was a thirty page done with they had before with the i phone john gone you know the thing that connects into the bhagavad of your of your i battery charger your the charger and you know that's proprietary so basically what you're seeing here is pull up with these these premium manufacturers and the question is what are they going to give you that you don't already have basically from my perspective all they're going to give you is siri and your hands free driving environment plus the the big thing is maps i mean that's the killer when i think about when you're moving into the new space what's going to the killer obviously it's going to be there and you can have your maps right there integrated into your car that's great but it's only going to work for those devices and only for new cars that are set up
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for this particular system i mean i feel like i don't have a new car but i have this system already when i put my google maps on speaker on my i phone you know it seems as though this is silly and also when you have the i phone six or the i phone seven while you're at we have to get a new car you know. so that you know you have to upgrade in some way then if you got a new phone our new car you want you. want as consumers what we want is any car that we have. to work with the killer immediately into the car and this is not what's happening here and you go ahead you want to say some i want to i actually want to show you this graph now take a look at this graph look at this now it shows apple's year over year revenue growth over the past few years and you're my graphic right here so as you can see apple's growth has been declining over this period and we talk to alex daily about the challenges facing out all right now here's what he had to say quickly. i think apple's biggest challenge is that growth that you mentioned they need to find
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another product line another line of business that can add ten percent or more to the top line growth before they excite investors again before they can keep that multiple stable or get it going back up so i do. now earlier this year apple released its fourth quarter earnings for twenty thirteen which showed that the company experienced a four point two percent growth in europe for year revenue do you think that this might be what alex haley was talking about and is this apple's next big product line well that's what i was saying before in terms of book boom or bust bust because it's not it's only going to be new installs that is these particular automobiles newer ones and the newer models of the so it doesn't address the huge addressable market so we have bust we're going bust on this on and were no we should start doing this already in bloom oh yeah it's all you know it's very well let me just point out that now bulls share is declining in this market so you know what google does is going to be a big part of thank you buster love it all go bust to follow as lead here that's
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all for now but you can see all segments featured in today's show on you tube or you tube dot com slash boom bust artie wells i love hearing from you so please check out our facebook page facebook dot com slash boom bust our t. can also tweet us at aaron aid at edward n.h. from all of us here going bust thanks for watching see you next time bye bye. well. it's technology innovation all the developments around russia. the future covered.
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live. live. live . live. in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want.
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on larry king now jabs osborne the outspoken reality star opens up about his life changing diagnosis up until after i was a great i'm good health and. on stoppable and now and it just was like like a ton of bricks is going to draw for me on becoming a father this want to be had in success story in the party you know it's a big day on how he transformed his look at his life you know it's it for me it's never truly defeated you know i would say to my my diction just in the closet doing push ups plus you are who you are again what you know you see these people on t.v. i was edited wrong i'll get it wrong if your day going to come across a day if you're a nice person you're going to come across as a nice person all next on larry king now.
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well going to larry king now today's special guest is jack osborne born into a rock'n'roll family he's the son of the legendary rocker ozzy osborne and his wife sharon a few years ago he was given a life changing diagnosis when he learned he had multiple sclerosis and since then he's become an advocate of m.s. awareness and his new website is you don't know jack about them as dot com he also has a production company should we eat. your your mother is famously thing was for saying whatever comes to a soldier dead were about you i think i hold a bit of restraint you know i think it being able to just speak whatever you want is is a good thing but also has a backlash it does hard uses to do and she's doing very well very well she's doing
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it in a great girl she is indeed you're all very close right yeah yeah he's going to i'm going to end this what was the first sign i guess the first sign was probably occurred about eighteen months before i had my diagnosis my how long all my diagnosis was in may of two thousand and twelve eighteen months prior to that i was . i was twenty. twenty four twenty three months running my legs went numb for about three or four months and i thought i'd pinched a nerve in my back in both legs both legs i just thought not i was like oh it's probably something my back but i know you couldn't walk you know i could walk i just i couldn't feel them very well they were they just felt like dough is the only way to read the full doughy and when i had contact with the hot or cold it was the opposite sensation so hot things felt freezing cold and cold things felt burning hot who i was a diagnosis dug out of the bag what are they testing for well i what prompted me to
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go to the doctors that i suffered from optic neuritis which was information the optic nerve in my right eye and i went basically blind i lost one hundred percent of my central vision and had only i could only see about fifteen percent of my peripheral vision and i went to the doctor thinking it was an eye problem because it was in my eye and i doctored sent me to the emergency room where i had an m.r.i. done and they noticed lesions in my brain and that prompted the neurologist to step in and conduct all sorts of tests and and then came the conclusion of multiple sclerosis or was it like when they told you it was. i felt a level of defeat because you know you go through life feeling and you know up until that point i was a great i'm a good health and i'm young i want stoppable and then it just was like i was like a ton of bricks is going dropped on me and so i was just i felt the slated to my daughter been born three weeks prior you know i was engaged and i was you know my now wife and i just i felt like things were going so well and then all the sudden
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you just get knocked down i was like man what does this mean i did because i didn't know biggest fear at first is that it's a precursor to lou gehrig's disease or who goes disease is the ultimate. no and i say i didn't know i didn't know any of that i did for me i just thought it was a precursor because you know my only knowledge of them asked was you know the you know the story about richard pryor that was what i commonly associated with and he had a very aggressive form about madison and you know unfortunately he lost the battle to it and and so for me that's where my mind instantly when i was like came over and i'm going to be mobile and it just you know there's a lot of misconceptions that i had. ever think why me of course you know and then there's the why me positive and then there's the why i mean i get it you know i look at it like you know maybe maybe this happened because you know there's a there's a bigger picture is a bigger plan at play here you know and i've heard that you can overcome is that
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your motto yeah adapt and overcome very much so and you also want to change the way people think and act about them as obviously having a website that says you don't know jack about well what do we know and what is our but pursue what is our perception for me what i did research into what i'm asked was the most common perception was that it occurred in women in their forty's and that's just not the case i mean the the youngest diagnosis of multiple sclerosis was it was a three year old child and so it people think it's a disease of age and then in the automatic that you know perception is all you become immobile you no longer able to function at a. the level is the same as everyone else and that's just not the case you know there are amazing treatments out there there's you know in the last ten years alone there are you know close to i think ten treatments now available to people with you know m.s. and it's very unstable when you do you take i'm on one i do a daily injection and you know touch wouldn't last. two years and made since i've
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had a severe exasperate and so you know what is the most probably that occurs to you the most common thing that i feel is tingling in the legs or like shooting pains just it's like no pain because that's essentially what i mean it's attacks that occurred some friends who have a base say the worst thing about it is depression yeah you know i i have noticed that you know i do have these little bouts of depression and and you know i just try and fight through it the best i can. and it's it is it is a common problem what do people learn when they go to your shape i think people will learn that there's a there's a lot of resources on the science as a lot of information just about you know the who what when where how of multiple sclerosis and then we've and then i put together these little docu series many you know many reality episodes if you will of just kind of you know my life now with m.s. . and everything from me a man on the street interviews of people to following me to my doctor's appointment
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to seeing kind of my daily routine and things like oh often you go to a bafta i go about once every six months unless there's something going on do you feel your daughter get a good. it's definitely a you know something that popped into my hand because there is there's a little bit of research data should proving that it is hereditary you know my uncle he has it but it is that they say about five percent of cases there are signs of any hereditary you know connection this is lead to a length of life supposedly it can reduce your life expectancy by about ten years but that's a very there's not you know a lot of that's more speculation i think than anything how did you finally take control of this you know i did i doctored the motto adapt and overcome i was like all right this is what's in front of me i need to figure out how i can walk with this and you know obviously live with it as a part of my life but still function the way i want to and so i did research into
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medication and i found a medication that you know was for me made the most sense. and then i started adjusting components of my life to just to help you know low stress like you know they tell you when you get diagnosed minimize stress get a lot of extra sleep and eat right that's kind of the recipe for everyone. so i just what do you do for a living well i have a t.v. production company and i host a couple t.v. shows so you know i'm so busy that i have a but i feel better about it jane joyce so i want to put up put a picture of early early jugglers for ms judd does form as a backbone was a. that was probably i was about seventeen years old so eleven years ago and lost a lot of weight yeah well my demos motivate you to do that no no this was i've been i've been sober about eighteen months i think as of right when i got sober that picture i've been sober right a teen model you addicted to i had
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a pretty bad addiction to alcohol and pharmaceuticals so runs in the family that right direction does the biggest misconception above us i think the biggest misconception is that you put your most of the time confined to a wheelchair i think that that was my person i was usually encases and that's people in severe you know late stages you know multiple sclerosis what happened to stars earn stripes where you fired from birds roche air and a gem b.c. give me the story ok the story with that was i had just been diagnosed with m.s. it hadn't we hadn't told anyone we hadn't done it you know anything and i got a phone call to participate in a show on n.b.c. and i went in what was the show the show was stars and stripes which is which was a reality show where they took you know celebrities and pad them up with members of the armed forces and you went to a very very kind of swat challenges and things like that. and i met with
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and we see i was the first person to say i'm in. and i told them in the room is like hey listen i've got diagnosed with an ass is this going to be a problem they said absolutely no will we're behind you on this i received an e-mail shortly after saying welcome to the n.b.c. family and as. things progressed they started to kind of pull back all the all the while my contract had been negotiated i had a you know assignable coffee raid to go and then last minute they turn around and say. no you're not you're not on the show because because you're too much of a liability multiple sclerosis and we feel because it was it was life i actually shooting real real weapons one of their concerns was that they felt that i could mishandle a firearm and accidentally shoot something reserved understandable or not understandable
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from my perspective completely not understandable i was fully able bodied and that was what crumble why i got so upset was because there was the misconception as you seem to know now i didn't i didn't feel the need to your mother quite a show because you know she there was a many reasons why she i think i should quit n.b.c. i think that was the straw that broke the camel's back though was there a villain the n.b.c. . was there a very i don't think there was any one person that that was the only go higher up the ladder it went very high up the ladder and it was you know who was running n.b.c. it could turn green bought green green green green. are you bitter no i'm not bitter because at the end listen i well i work in t.v. i work in production i understand the. the the issue of insurance but what i was upset about was the way that they handled it you know instead of sitting me down and being like hey listen you know we'd love you to be a part of this we don't think it's right right now it was like this it was like this dismissive like got a bug oh yeah i get is a lot because the i was all of
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a sudden i was being typecast as a disabled person when i had been on dancing with the stars and also stars was awesome finish third grade finish than good and it was they had no problem handling that no problem and that it was a much more grueling schedule what's it like being a father being a father is the greatest gift. my daughter will be to in april and it is the best i mean she this morning we had a success story she peed in the party very very successful times so it's good you know it's a big that it's things like that which i get excited about. big deal changing from partying to changing diapers yeah it is it is yeah it's get was quite a quite an adjustment but you know my wife is an amazing person and she is you know . i just feel so fortunate that. i met her at a nightclub because kelly a good aren't you kelly is a good aren't when kelly isn't juggling nine hundred things and you know anything
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when you can met when you can get kelly in one place she's a great aunt but sharon's a grandmother she's a mom and dad was funny but they don't oh yeah i mean they will do anything for paul she's got a brat run a finger the other morning i was out of town and my wife was staying at my parents' house and she woke up and she goes papa please it was the first thing she wanted to go see my dad. they got along very well and zazi a great guy growing up my dad was you know there were some amazing qualities about my dad and it was some of the c b s you know not so great qualities but i you know i'm not one of these people that. thought anything my dad was did was horribly bad you know my dad is my dad and he's a great grandfather is an amazing grandfather. jack talks about overcoming the show the latest family think.
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they are very hard. on. that fact that her there. are are there. i think. everybody thought if you if you did you know the price is the only
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industry specifically mention in the constitution. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy correct albus. wrong. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the quote for the takeover of our government and across several we've been hijacked like handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers one still just my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem. rational debate real discussion critical issues facing define ready to join the movement then welcome they're going. to bed with jackdaws more look talk about sweet as well with a while but first philip seymour hoffman just died an overdose drug overdose you
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dealt with addiction what was your reaction to that story it's so sad i mean any time that you hear about anyone dying or when i would out it's so sad because it's something that could have been avoided and it just it shouldn't it shouldn't happen but it does you know that's the that's the nature of disease of addiction you know it is no holds no prejudice no you know it doesn't matter how wealthy. it's the it's the ultimate equalizer as the great actor richard dreyfus who had a problem whining with successful people need an escape and he said i don't know i just know they do yeah but absolute a famous family you know you have a lot going for it what were you why did you need. it's. you know the fame game is it is it is a prickly beast you know it has these amazing components to it and it has you know
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the parks are amazing but there are downsides to it and some you know at the time you know when i was a teenager i was in prepared to deal with those downsides and i and i turned to alcohol and drugs to to help me because that was the only thing that kind of made the pain kind of subside you think you'd heard of someone from your bed absolutely you know it is a big there. hundred percent believe it or addiction is that you know. i think there was a time that he had guilt over it i don't think he does necessarily anymore. but i know for a time he did part of you defeat it you know it's for me it's never truly defeated you know i was so you know my my dictions just in the closet doing push ups. it's the moment i pick up you know a drug or you know take a drink i don't think it's going to be a long you sober it'll be eleven years in april. you know who are really upset no but it but i you know i like to maintain
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a you know strong and active role in recovery and you know and i feel like by the age seventeen your family becomes the first celebrity family and i guess you know when the t.v. right you put yourself in their position looking back good or bad looking back i mazing it was it was the it was something that was i never anticipated i never saw my life going down that road you know my my goal was i was going to work for a record company i was going to join the military so i wanted to do and it opened up a world to me which i never ever would have thought would have happened no resentful no it was a time you know there was shortly after the osborne's when when things were kind of still very intense i was i was resentful at the family get closer. no actually it pushed us apart for a while and it took a win it for things to kind of you know the wagons to circle again. you said once that there was the jackdaws war my parents you know the jack was one of my friends you know and the jackdaws one the public knew all of the differences well you know the jackals when my parents knew was still
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a little boy the jackals all my friends knew was the guy doing a lot of drugs and partying and the jackals on the public knew was this strange kind of you know mixture of both with a bit of you know insanity you talked about being dyslexic there's still a fair few i think it does and some ways you know i but i just fortunately you know i've landed in a place where i had kind of what i walked with it instead of against it and i went to a school for a long time to help me you know function to a degree with dyslexia i guess just from sitting here with you you're in a good place yeah i feel like i'm in a really go order helps absent you know family for me is is paramount you know what is wheat sweet is my is a company i started with two friends of mine and it's a television production company and we've been producing t.v. shows now for gone on to two years of closure of reality based shows where the show
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nacho wild which is following guys are train dogs for the military and police we saw the pilot nat geo after that and now we've got a bunch of other other pilots on the website below the website it's doing very well it's going to a lot of traffic and it all seems to be pretty positive so how did people mobile go to it you can just google search you know you don't know jack about m.s. or you know on my twitter or anything like that you can find so you can you keep being constantly busy pretty much yeah yeah i i really have a day off ok. do you ever miss what was limelight not not really because i still you know i still buy hope to shell fuze you know how to sean side by so it's you know i it's just not what it used to be and i like that you know back back when we did the osborne's it was like it's madness and you know i like privacy i like you know having control
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a little bit more of what people see and how they see it sharon was with us recently the parents split for all or yeah i heard of a rocky moment where you him when you know ultimately my parents' relationship is their business you know i you know as a son you know of course i'm affected by what happens but i just turn around as i listen whatever you guys do i'm going to support you both individually as long as you guys are in the right headspace for making that decision and so it was tough though it was it was a strange concept for me because you start thinking about well what happens now what happens it christmas when i was a birthdays like does that mean you know my mom is going to be dating a new guy like what was my dad going to be dating it was the weirdest thing to me. but you know i'm glad that they were able to resolve whatever is it they need a result what's the osborne's like when you're all together when we're all together usually it's just a little one with the baby yeah i'm the one with the baby so usually most attention
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is focused on the baby we try to get together at least every sunday for lunch and we hang out for a bit doesn't as you go about doing a lot more he does but right now he's not touring so he's home he usually my mom and dad usually like to be we're ever you know one of the other is of my mom's in england he'll go do you think of your dad's music i am a i'm a big big sabbath fan i love this guy would you describe that music to black sabbath you know people think heavy metal but it it is having metal but it was it was more bluesy that you know you listen to it and it's very blues inspired hard rock and it was you know it was you know it's good stuff and we have some social media questions or meg tweets for those newly diagnosed with m.s. best advice she would give. best advice i would give is don't go to too deep into the internet the internet can be an amazing place for not for information but it can also take you down some really strange roads so i would say
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you know take things slowly and down don't get too deep listen you'd often listen and after a while of course first and foremost listen to it all go to your website yeah go to you can go to my website cause shelton of facebook wrote i really love you on dancing with the stars do you teach your wife how to dance after the show and do you still bands. i the last thing i want to do after the show is done for a little bit. you know i would joke around my wife i don't really get too deep into teaching and i would like to still keep dancing on it's rigorous so that you know is that our job is crazy they asked me to do it like ten years ago. i'm going to delete that word out i wouldn't do that. it's definitely going to tell i've become lax on issue no. i mean i definitely thought the same so why
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not see what happens no regrets over that no i had an amazing experience cody joe brown the facebook do you feel like there was too much editing or that you all portrayed in ways that were fair or accurate on the reality show you know what one thing a blind about reality t.v. is that. you are who you are like everyone you know you see these people on t.v. i was edited wrong i was at it wrong if your deck going to come across a day if you're a nice person you're going to come across as a nice person i was a crazy sixteen year old kid who had an awful lot of you know the weight and anxious leeway and access to a lot of substance to his most teenagers don't how you are never did wrong they are you were right i was i was a bratty crazy dread we lived in the show the game called if you only knew just what movie your first kiss first kiss i think it was one of my sister's friends house it in cliff soul you i think i was maybe eleven i remember her name oh my god
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most embarrassing moment most embarrassing moment probably. two thousand and one it to about two thousand and four when we did. the whole show just them about the whole three years span something no one knows about you something known as about me . let's see. the reality show you know yeah there's a lot people know about me person you most look up to look up to probably probably my mom they would food favorite food italian this part about fatherhood. the excitement of milestones with a baby you noticed they come more often yes they do a pet peeve pet peeve i hate picking it is he will complain about food and people send feedback oh yeah i would never send food where do you see yourself in ten years. still still working in t.v. to some capacity. something like that word maybe i just said it favre yeah i think
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it's you that mean barry got that one covered person you'd like to model your career after. probably. i don't know probably you you've got a pretty you have got a pretty good run larry and a pretty good run thank you for that if you were three words to describe yourself not quite sure. if you were stranded on a desert island one of three things you couldn't live without i would bring a one of those wind up radios so you could still hear what's going on in the world . definitely would need a pocket knife bad girls has taught us that and maybe. it's the italian food the funniest person you know five person i know would probably. prime my best friend best friend jamie we we do a funny guy so funny movie we just most most of the time we spend
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a guy who's best man i went in on itself three years old person the most like to meet a person and most like them. i would have. pasta present or still cat anything i would have liked to have had a cup of coffee with jefferson bed. it is you look at yourself do you ever say i had too much too soon absolutely one hundred percent. you know it's something i definitely recognize however. i don't resent that because i got through it and i think if i had an experience what i experience at a young age i don't think i'd be where i am now. how did you feel when your mother stood up to n.b.c. for you. it was you know you got rough on them my mom did get rough on n.b.c. though does. she she's not not too fond of the camp over the. you know it was. at the time i was like yeah you know then i was like hey you know want it doesn't
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have you know my mom is very outspoken she loves to just be like this is one think in and i let you know about it. i thought things could've been handled better on both sides but n.b.c. could handle things better and i thought you know outside could handle things better thank you jacqui very much. thanks to my guest jack guys want to check out his web site you don't know jack about them and you can find me on twitter at kings things i'll see you next time. technology innovation. developments from around russia we. covered. wealthy british style. that's not on.
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markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cons or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report. i would rather ask questions to people in positions of power instead of speaking on their behalf and that's why you can find my show larry king now right here on r.t. question for.
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hi everyone i'm abby martin and this is breaking the set so yesterday i made a personal heartfelt statement about ukraine that made some waves across the mainstream media to say the least as in the front page of the huffington post the new york times and even the blaze gave me a shout out but it was especially incredible to wake up to this article by none other than graham greenwald on the intercept here's the problem though i speak out against military intervention every single day on the show and i have been speaking out against the us isn't involved in ukraine since the beginning and none of those comments have ever made waves in the mainstream so it's kind of a sad commentary i guess that my only criticism of russia's actions would get picked up on it that's the proper narrative in fact when greenwald wrote similar
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thoughts on the intercepts saying for all the self celebrated american journalists and political commentators was there even a single u.s. television host who said anything comparable to this in the lead up or the early stages of the us invasion of iraq he also points out that m.s.m. journalists have even been fired for going off script in their opposition to the iraq war like phil donahue and imus and b.b.c. and peter arnett at n.b.c. our team as a network was created to promote a russian perspective of world events and clearly my personal statement goes completely out of line with that editorial line but i do stand my opinion and i stand by everything i said here's another thing you'll barely see criticism about corporations or the us empire on corporate funded television in fact you won't even find criticism of the corporatocracy on many alternative media sites that's why i do my job that's why i do this and that's why i work here at our team now our team management has offered to send me to report from the ground in crimea and which i
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respectfully declined don't worry i haven't lost my job now let's get on with the show. the. police. are a. very hard to take that lead to look. at how to act like that or expect there. to. be. illegal. for the last week the escalating conflict in ukraine in russia's heightened
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presence in command has created a lot of controversy in the us corporate media and political establishment and made very clear where they stand and i've made it clear where i stand so for another perspective earlier i was joined by r.t. correspondent alexey or chesky who was recently on the ground in ukraine i first asked him whether he agrees that russian military forces have taken over command. depends on what you want to what you will what you see as completely taking over indeed we have seen the man who definitely look like russian armed forces across the crimean peninsula they are securing military bases there securing airports and different boarding facilities across the region but you know the problem right now is really hard to identify who is a russian soldier or who is the so-called self defense of crimea or even the former swat spetznaz special regiments of the million of the police from kiev and all across the country the better course of the so called to be adequate regiment which
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was disbanded by the new interior ministry in kiev and many of them went. a wall and join the forces of self defense so when you're on the ground it's really hard to distinguish who is who so saying that russia has not completely taken over the crimea i think it me may be a little bit a little bit all the over the top all right ukrainian officials are reporting that at least sixteen thousand russian troops have been deployed to crimea can you give us an accurate assessment of how many troops are actually on the ground compared to how many were already there this is just another case of information being well i wouldn't say falsified or put in the wrong hands or being voiced in the wrong manner but we cannot say for sure how many troops are there at the moment and moreover we cannot even say for sure how many troops were there before the conflict before this whole situation started to break out because it is definitely confidential information of how many troops the russians have been keeping at the naval base in the sevastopol region we only know about how many ships of the
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russian navy have been there but talking about the personnel last i gather but that was a little more than two years ago that at least ten thousand troops russian troops were permanently stationed in the crimea whether there's more of russian troops right now on the ground it's really hard to say nobody has made a direct count of of troops on the ground alexi don't you think that that would be beneficial for the russian government to at least make a statement about how many troops are entering crimea i mean why let the mainstream media kind of assess that on their own. well we heard from the president of russia today about the whole situation surrounding the russian troops he didn't even say that there were russian troops he said these people were the so-called self-defense of the crimea so that's why the question of how many troops. are actually on the ground was not was not answered by you by the russian leader so it is really you know it's a really complicated game right now it's really hard to understand what what is
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actually being played out at the moment but the official line coming from moscow is that. russia would want to protect the russian speaking citizens of ukraine the russian the ethnic russian minority in ukraine and that's why it is considering placing troops on the ground so you know the line which is coming from the president is we are considering and we have no option to put troops on the ground but he's not saying that the troops are there so this is definitely creating some sort of a puzzle right now and a lot of misunderstanding. a puzzle indeed that's an interesting twist that is saying that they're considering sending troops when it seems like troops have clearly been sent tens of thousands of russian troops on the ukrainian border have been told to return to their bases again according to mainstream sources of what have you on covered about the reasons for this recent move i can only gather from the official line from the official information which is being sent out by the defense ministry of russia by the president himself that is was
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a large drill in the western part of russia with indeed more than ten thousand soldiers lots of fighter jets and heavy machinery war toys were deployed in that war games but the president actually said it in a direct manner today that this drill was in no way connected to the situation in the crimea whether the public whether this society would actually believe that this is not connected to the crimea is the question of course but the fact is that these troops were quite far away from the russian ukrainian border and whether this drill was flexing the muscle or anything of the kind of course we cannot answer that question sure i mean it just seems odd to do such a major military exercise during this really tense situation but you know you've been speaking about what president putin has been saying about the crimean crisis can you point out any major points of his speech and kind of how he's justifying the occupation here his bottom line was i think the majority of his speech was related to all the things happening in kiev not in the crimea first of all you said
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that he considered the. new authorities in kiev for the self-proclaimed government and the president of ukraine as illegitimate because the only legitimate president that putin sees at the moment is. who as we know is on the run. currently being in russia hiding probably at some of his friend's place as he revealed during a press conference last week and other bottom line was as i've already mentioned the protection of russian speaking minority in the east of ukraine and i can say that in some parts of the east this is not a minority but a majority of the people living there so the point was put in was particularly stressing this kind of potentially dangerous situation that the people who are taking the reins in kiev they might go on an assault against the people in eastern ukraine this is not happening at the moment this is not been happening over the
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past several months although we did see some confrontations in the east of the country with local ministrations being taken over in fact i just i'm fresh off the plane i came back from the east of the country and now the situation is pretty much vice versa the russian speaking minority is taking over the governmental buildings in the midst of buildings there so you know this is so much uncertainty about what's happening in the east because the west of the country has to do have been supporting things happening in a key of in fact most of the people at the my done at independence square they came from the west of ukraine and including this so-called rights of the people who are fighting on the frontline those who are engaging in violent gunfire with the police most of them were thrown from the west of ukraine but as for the east of ukraine this situation is different most of them do not support the down the actions in kiev and that is the primary concern of bush and that's the way he put it that should the people from the west and from the center of ukraine decide to violently
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persuade those in the east to do. support key it's control to acknowledge gives rule then things may go bad and that's when russia may intervene according to which and to protect those people sure yeah of course you can't trust the mainstream media's coverage in the west it's very one sided however i do think that that is a really bizarre pretext to use military force in order to protect an ethnic people in a different land i don't know if i agree with that at all but let's move on to u.s. secretary of state john kerry he's in kiev earlier today pledged a billion dollars in the form of a loan guarantee to the ukrainian government how are officials in moscow responding to this statement as well as the threats of sanction and diplomatic isolation from the g eight by the u.s. well there was one phrase which may underline the whole attitude in moscow towards these words by john kerry which said which putin said today during his press conference that if our partners from the g eight want to. once to
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the summit to the upcoming summit in sochi and you know because of their position regarding the crimean crisis then they can go ahead and boycott it so i mean what it was pretty calm about all these possible sanctions about the pressure coming from the west was quite visible even judging by his body language that he was not really bothered and concerned with this possible danger but talking about this billion loan which john john kerry promised to ukraine the problem is this one billion dollar loan would not help ukraine it has a one hundred sixty billion dollar debt at the moment its economy is pretty much in the default state unless both europe and russia and the united states get together and try to help the country only then it can somehow survive this possible economic collapse do you think that will see the region permanently divided here it is already divided a b. i can say that from my experience traveling all across ukraine i've talked to the
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people in the west in the east the contradictions between the two parts of what seems to be. a unified country are very very strong now it's just it's surfacing all of the twenty years of all these contradictions controversial laws in some ways even discrimination of one part of society against the other they are now resurfacing in this public discontent if we talk about the crimea in particular i've talked to hundreds of people there and they've never been telling me that they want to be part of russia they want to be independent or either have a very broad majority. from kiev they do not want laws in kiev which they deem as controversial to wark on their land the future well it's really complicated to talk about the future but essentially my view is that the referendum may actually defuse the situation in the crimea if they ask for a broader autonomy at a national wide referendum and on the peninsula if kiev agrees to this sort of compromise it will keep the crimea within the ukrainian territory and this is
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something russia doesn't support the president said he doesn't he doesn't want crimea to be part of russia he doesn't want to annex it as some media were quick to say if this referendum works if keep the minister manage to find a compromise with since that all things may work and essentially this will be a unified country this is something all ukrainians really want right now and they actually holding rallies all across the country to support the idea great well let's hope for a diplomatic solution here and less military diplomacy is the way to go thank you so much for all of your incredible insight just got off the ground chatzky appreciate it. coming up i'll shine a light on the world of shadow lobby and stick around. live. a little.
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little. little. live little. cross talk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want. a little. it's no surprise that d.c.
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has thousands of lobbyists and millions of dollars held through the city every year however quoting a watchdog website open secrets dot org for the third year in a row overall spending on lobbying has actually decreased to three point two million dollars along the official number of registered lobbyist to just over twelve thousand congressional lobbying experts however argue that lobbying is an increasing it all in its stead it's simply going underground well i spoke to investigative journalist with the nation lee fung but this very subject and because the interview was so informative i decided to really air the piece i first asked him why the numbers posted an open secrets don't tell the full story. well the numbers that you are seeing are hokum secret which is a fantastic website reflect the. official lobby registration system that's maintained by the house and senate the problem is this the statute the lobbying disclosure act is riddled with loopholes. there are many ways for lobbyists to
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evade the low and simply put. there are many incentives for lobbyists to register and the law does not cover all lobbying activity so the real figure on how many lobbyists are in d.c. that are actively attempting to influence policy is closer to one hundred thousand not twelve thousand and experts say of the amount spent is not three billion but closer to maybe six nine or even ten billion unbelievable and you're talking about all these loopholes in the lobbying. closure act named after former senate majority leader tom daschle will why is he the face of unregistered lobbyists. well senator tom daschle all left the senate joined private equity also joined a law and lobbying firm alston and bird is now another one called d.l.a. piper he's become the face of the problem because everyone knows tom
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daschle will lobby use that he meets with government officials that he meets with president obama that he coordinates meetings with legislators with policy folks and businesses from health care and energy to other sectors and he does this openly. and at the same time it does not register so given his prominence in washington d.c. you know helping president obama with his health care overhaul. associated with many different think tanks that are constantly in the news and it is a different functions in the city he does all this while flouting the law you know one of the most damning things about the article was that connection to the plan to have retailers like gap skirt around responsibility for the bangladesh and garment factory collapse that killed more than a thousand people the i was wonder if you could elaborate on that connection. sure we go through many different anecdotes but this is one of the more tragic ones of
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how under registered lobbyist paddled in luhansk and the public and the press is clearly kept in the dark about who the real paymasters are so for this example if you look at the last last year last summer when. asked in the aftermath of the latest major building collapse in bangladesh many european retailers offered a very strong claim to increase of building inspections to make sure that garment. or the retailers that pay to garbage manufacturers are liable for these types of disasters well american companies like gap and wal-mart and j.c. penney did not like. any of these reforms they wanted to counter them they didn't want to pay for any of these necessary upgrades or be liable for future disasters so they had d.l.a. piper dash was firm and go out and sell an alternative plan that does not keep them
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on the hook for any future liabilities saving them a lot of money but potentially causing more death and pain in the future so what's interesting here is as the deal a piper lawyers and officials went around the city selling this alternative weak labor clare no one knew that they were being paid by jack one of the big companies better if used to play ball. that's just another example of of the shadow lobbying complex that you have folks selling policy selling influence and of fashion with the way that these policies are acted without registering and without disclosing if you listen to their rhetoric or when they're walking around the city selling this plan they said that they are with based they are affiliated with think tanks or they are you know simply former government officials no one knew who was really behind this plan simply because they did register yeah and you give the series
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a dozens of examples here i mean this is just one of the goes the layers and layers and layers as you're talking about right now is there way to investigate this i mean house ethics committee overseeing the process of following up with those who are unregistered and still participating in lobbying. but your great question and this was actually the most surprising part of reporting the story i've covered lobbying and influence peddling for about five years now and i did not know that the enforcement mechanism. to the lobbying disclosure act of basically has no cop on the beat there's never been a criminal important case brought ever there have been virtually no civil cases either and that's because the only people owe overseeing this process of making sure people register and comply with the wall there's only one full time employee at the department of justice that's a contract paralegal who basically just processes the forms some other kind of file
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keepers that and congress also look into this but if you simply don't register and you continue influence peddling there's. there's no divorce or matters which is to go after folks. and things i guess we know the answer probably lobbyist and don't register at you know we another thing the article you point out is the rebranding efforts on behalf of the lobbying industry can you give some examples of these and how renaming institutions have changed their perceived role. i think if you look at public polling americans are incredibly upset about the role of big money in politics the way lobbyists have taken control of the political process has really taken control of both political parties and to kind of combat growing cynicism whether from occupy or the tea party rather than changing their behavior or complying better with the law lobbyists are of stad simply changing their image
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changing their names of their titles so for example the american league of lobbyists the professional association for lobbyists in november changed their name to the government affairs associates of our government affairs professionals so that so much of our vanilla day they take the l. word out of it they don't want to be called a lobbyist they call themselves other euphemisms like public affairs associates or government affairs government as government relations that type of thing you know i want to point to just one thing tank here in d.c. the employment policies institute sounds very innocuous a widely quoted economic research center pushing the notion that increasing the minimum wage would increase poverty and it's backed by the national restaurant association leave you the polarization of issues in this country can be blamed on ideological front groups backed by massive lobbying efforts. and i think you hit the nail on the head there you know a lot of the political debates we see on television in the media are not much more
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than political theater propped up by characters who are saying what they're saying who are pushing a certain policy because someone's paying them then you don't know who they are they'll say oh this is. to help the democrats or to help the republicans but in many cases they're pushing a very narrow corporate interest without revealing who their true paymasters are how much of legislation would you say is written by a lobbyist i remember doing an investigation into just california state legislature it was like i think sixty percent is a couple years ago i was just worried if you had any insight on the federal level here. we don't count for it here you know for all of its flaws and as you know i my first transplants the state is very corrupt but at least you have a system of showing who sponsors build back when sacramento washington and i just finished a reporting trip in idaho and the lobbyist actually wear name i.d. so there's a lot of problems that i know but there's certain elements of transparency in
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congress there are no such standards y.b.'s right bills every day there they are sponsoring legislation but there's there's no system to keep tabs on that. you know your mention before of course open secrets next on the website even they aren't tracking the dark money it takes something like you and very in-depth investigation how do we follow this i mean what do we do to follow this trend here. that's a good question oh well i just really want to project this is a self-help book to get that but out last week i relaunch to blog republic report dot org and there are many reporters who are following the money trail trying to uncover all these types of stories but i have to say it's very typical because so much of the system has been pushed into the darkness it's purposefully secret and in some cases you know for this story that i reported yesterday you only stumble into it you know the opening and it though to that story of finding former
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congressman lobbying for palin's here i just overheard him bragging about it on capitol hill just amble into it sometimes yeah that's what i love out here i mean. or very naturally you're there on capitol trying to figure out what's going on and you saw firsthand kind of the healings and dealings of all these people you know i was speaking to jack the other day and he said that citizens united didn't actually make it easier for a lobbyist cause they'll all ways find a way to get around it what do you think lee do you think citizens united exacerbated this problem. while it i'm of two minds on them so this is united and were obvious for one thing it makes raising money for a politician easier instead of having to be on the phones for sometimes eight hours a day for some of these politicians begging people for these three thousand five thousand dollars checks you can just find one sponsor someone to to bring in a super pac they can dump a million dollars into your district that makes it much easier to sort of who isn't
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it's kind of kind of counterintuitive take at the same time it makes corruption much worse because if a chemical industry lobbyist wants to pressure a senator or congressman all they have to do now is set up a front group and funnel corporate money into that front group. unlimited amounts of money and very easy to pressure a lawmaker when the corruption is that simple in the koch brothers of course have mastered the how do we stop this toxic cycle only because of course in order to play the game yeah got to have a lobby on the hill now. and you know i've talked to a lot of. campaign finance experts folks who are interested in good government and there's a consensus that we need better laws and i don't disagree with that necessarily but we also need. a force that so there's no political will at the department of justice and there's no resources devoted to investigating federal corruption i think that we i think citizens need to demand that type of enforcement because
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there are laws on the books they simply are just being they are being enforced thank you so much excellent work leaf on journalist contributor at the nation really prepared time thank you so much as. and you guys that's our show join me again tomorrow when i break the sad all over again because i. just. twisted us the. ability to use. their words i would. say look if you speak. it. i suspect. they would like to know that you know the price is the only
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industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy which albums. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and across several we've been hijacked like handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers once told us my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem trying to fix rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing america five for ready to join the movement then walk a little bit of. the old. science technology innovation called the least
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a mela minutes from around russia we've gone to the future or covered wealthy british style. time to time the time. markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report. i
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suspect all. over the place to go digital the price is the only industry specifically mentioning the geysers. that's because a free and open prize is critical to our democracy shrek all books. are. going to go on i'm sorry and i'm a show we reveal the picture of what's actually going on we go beyond identifying a problem to try to fix rational debate a real discussion critical issues facing america have bought them for ready to join the movement then welcome aboard. hi i'm nate sweet in washington d.c. and for tom hartman.


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